Few more dots

August 23 2020:

How Anti-Missile Systems Can Be a ‘Science Driver’ for U.S. Economy  https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1982/eirv09n46-19821130/eirv09n46-19821130_024-how_anti_missile_systems_can_be.pdf  

‘Spacewar’: Welcome to The ‘Post-Human’ Era http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2007/eirv34n31-20070810/32-36_731.pdf 

SCIENCE FOR LEGISLATORS – Is the Fear of Nuclear Radiation Constitutional? http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2009/eirv36n21-20090529/eirv36n21-20090529_038-science_for_legislators_is_the_f.pdf

Beam Weapons Will Neutralize Space https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1985/eirv12n06-19850211/eirv12n06-19850211_029-beam_weapons_will_neutralize_spa.pdf 

Beam-Weapons Diifense Strategy. https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1983/eirv10n01-19830104/eirv10n01-19830104_056-larouche_teller_proposal_dislodg.pdf 

Beam weapons: the sciene to prevent thermonuclear war.  https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1982/eirv09n46-19821130/eirv09n46-19821130_022-beam_weapons_the_science_to_prev.pdf http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1982/eirv09n46-19821130/eirv09n46-19821130_026-four_types_of_directed_energy_we.pdf 

Russia Announces Measures To Address War Threat https://larouchepub.com/pr/2012/120328_russian_on_war.html https://larouchepub.com/pr/2018/180215_russia_new_weapons.html https://larouchepub.com/pr/2007/070513russian_emp.html 

FEL beam weapon ready https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1985/eirv12n42-19851025/eirv12n42-19851025_018-fel_beam_weapon_ready.pdf 

Electromagnetic Pulsed Waves Can Kill Locust Swarms http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1988/eirv15n16-19880415/eirv15n16-19880415_026-electromagnetic_pulsed_waves_can.pdf 

Cheney’s ‘Spoon-Benders’ Pushing Nuclear Armageddon https://larouchepub.com/other/2005/3233spoonbenders.html






May 23 2020:

Click to access eirv16n50-19891215_030-arms_drugs_and_terrorism_made_in.pdf


Click to access eirv05n33-19780829_038-the_international_bank_ring_behi.pdf

The Swiss Banking Empire: Center of the Fourth Reich

Click to access eirv07n01-19800108_020-i_the_european_command_of_the_br.pdf


   Behind the Mossad-MEK Terror Assault in Iran https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2012/eirv39n07-20120217/46-47_3907.pdf


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The `No-Soul’ Gang Behind Reverend Moon’s Gnostic Sex Cult https://larouchepub.com/other/2002/2949moonification.html

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Click to access eirv17n20-19900511_067-the_truth_sy_hersh_couldnt_find.pdf

Click to access eirv10n16-19830426_022-fifth_monarchy_controls_shock_tr.pdf

March 20 2020:

Click to access eirv10n25-19830628_020-why_menexenus_spells_trouble_for.pdf



Trust IV : https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1986/eirv13n43-19861031/eirv13n43-19861031_050-her_majestys_real_secret_service.pdf 




Click to access eirv22n23-19950602_066-why_did_the_irish_save_civilizat.pdf



Click to access eirv10n25-19830628_034-the_1938_churchill_switch_in_gre.pdf

March 13 2020:

Fight Fascism, the Way Franklin Roosevelt Did, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. https://larouchepub.com/lar/2003/3027lar_queens_evt.html 







Click to access eirv25n04-19980123_052-tibets_lamas_the_old_and_the_new.pdf

March 7 2020:

The Druze Sect, Hitler, and Moon-Worship https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1983/eirv10n46-19831129/eirv10n46-19831129_031-the_druze_sect_hitler_and_moon_w.pdf 



Click to access eirv13n13-19860328_058-satanism_and_witchcraft_a_concer.pdf

March 2 2020:

A study of the Sankhya philosophy http://ramakrishnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_2/practical_vedanta_and_other_lectures/a_study_of_the_sankhya_philosophy.htm 



The Muslim Brotherhood: The Many Faces of Their Majesty’s Service https://larouchepub.com/other/2013/4031mb_hms.html


The Young Ottomans’ revival The neo-Ottoman trap for Turkey https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1996-97/2316/37-eir23n16-19960412.pdf 

Pan-Turks target China’s Xinjiang https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1996-97/2316/41-eir23n16-19960412.pdf 



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Who is Otto von Habsburg?

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Click to access eirv06n12-19790327_058-who_is_otto_von_habsburg.pdf



Click to access eirv06n21-19790529_020-european_elections_whats_at_stak.pdf

Satanism? https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1989/eirv16n07-19890210/eirv16n07-19890210_026-the_lucis_trust_satanism_and_the.pdf 


Sharat Chandra Ckakravarty XVIII https://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_7/conversations_and_dialogues/from_the_diary_of_a_disciple/scc_xviii.htm  

Will the Vatican Destroy the {Filioque}? https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1984/eirv11n10-19840313/eirv11n10-19840313_035-will_the_vatican_destroy_the_fil.pdf 




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The Neo-Nazi Connection of the Iranian Secret Services https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1987/eirv14n33-19870821/eirv14n33-19870821_043-the_neo_nazi_connection_of_the_i.pdf  

The ‘Commonwealth Party’ of France https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1995/eirv22n13-19950324/eirv22n13-19950324_030-the_commonwealth_party_of_france.pdf 




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The Many Faces of Their Majesty’s Service

Pan-Islamism Is the Death of the Nation!

War Clouds on the Horizon in Sri Lanka

Questions Surround Assassination of Sri Lanka’s President .

Sri Lanka in Turmoil as Tamil Tigers Gain Ground

IMF Readies ‘Pol Pot’ Option for Sri Lanka

II. A Case Study: South Asia

Terrorism in South Asia: London’s assault on the nation-state

Southern India, Sri Lanka terrorist groups

London runs cover for terror in South India

Terrorism in South Asia: London’s assault on the nation-state

The SAS: Prince Philip’s manager of terrorism

The Invisible Empire of NGOs

Blackwater Nazis Aim Homeward: Kristallnacht in Virginia?

Oliver North’s ‘Confederates’ Still Targeting Contra Opponents

Who Is Snuffing Your Neighbor’s Kittens?

Modern Egypt and the United States: What They Never Told You

The Education of Princes—in Britain

British Subversion of America:The Militias and Pentacostilism–Who is Wagging Your Neighbor’s Tongue?

An Open Secret: The Saudi-Israel Pact vs. the Palestinians and Iran

What is Wahhabism?

The House of Saud:
British-Programmed Killer of Muslims

Under London’s Wing: ISIS: Saudi-Qatari-Funded Wahhabi Terrorists Worldwide

Xinjiang’s Uighur Jihadists and The Wahhabi Empire of al-Qaeda

The Empire Deploys Wahhabi Terror Against Russia

End the 9/11 Coverup: LaRouche PAC Webcast—Where the Secrets Are Buried

Palmerston Launches Young Turks To Permanently Control Middle East

John Train and BAE

Boston Bombing: Anglo-Saudi Terror Machine Strikes U.S.

The Bestiality of the Fundies, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. (Oct. 31, 2000)

Let British Liberalism Die With William F. Buckley

Political Theocracy Defined, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. (Apr. 18, 2001)

Fascist William Buckley Put Joe Lieberman in the Senate



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Click to access eirv09n44-19821116_046-prof_aly_mahazeri_on_the_long_tr.pdf

Globalization …. in progress

Disclaimer: Whatever I write here is my personal reflection. My views evolve with time. This has nothing to do with influencing elections in any country. In 2016 when I wrote the posts, I had freedom to think. No external annoyances were there – like – you know everyone is reading your thoughts and that people may be reading the links that I read yet I have to write them down; people arriving at conclusions while I am typing; assumptions like if I write something today that means I am actively thinking about the society and if I skip it for a day or two then I had given up or is focussing on family; reading articles which have the similar topics/points that I intended to write;

My freedom to think is not there anymore though I can think.

December 10 2019:

December 9 2019:

The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means and how to respond: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/the-fourth-industrial-revolution-what-it-means-and-how-to-respond/ 

“We stand on the brink of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another. In its scale, scope, and complexity, the transformation will be unlike anything humankind has experienced before. We do not yet know just how it will unfold, but one thing is clear: the response to it must be integrated and comprehensive, involving all stakeholders of the global polity, from the public and private sectors to academia and civil society…….. There are three reasons why today’s transformations represent not merely a prolongation of the Third Industrial Revolution but rather the arrival of a Fourth and distinct one: velocity, scope, and systems impact. The speed of current breakthroughs has no historical precedent. When compared with previous industrial revolutions, the Fourth is evolving at an exponential rather than a linear pace. Moreover, it is disrupting almost every industry in every country. And the breadth and depth of these changes herald the transformation of entire systems of production, management, and governance…… 

   …..The possibilities of billions of people connected by mobile devices, with unprecedented processing power, storage capacity, and access to knowledge, are unlimited. And these possibilities will be multiplied by emerging technology breakthroughs in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, 3-D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage, and quantum computing…… Like the revolutions that preceded it, the Fourth Industrial Revolution has the potential to raise global income levels and improve the quality of life for populations around the world. To date, those who have gained the most from it have been consumers able to afford and access the digital world….. In the future, technological innovation will also lead to a supply-side miracle, with long-term gains in efficiency and productivity. Transportation and communication costs will drop, logistics and global supply chains will become more effective, and the cost of trade will diminish, all of which will open new markets and drive economic growth.  At the same time, as the economists Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee have pointed out, the revolution could yield greater inequality, particularly in its potential to disrupt labor markets. As automation substitutes for labor across the entire economy, the net displacement of workers by machines might exacerbate the gap between returns to capital and returns to labor. ……

   ….On the other hand, it is also possible that the displacement of workers by technology will, in aggregate, result in a net increase in safe and rewarding jobs.  We cannot foresee at this point which scenario is likely to emerge, and history suggests that the outcome is likely to be some combination of the two. However, I am convinced of one thing—that in the future, talent, more than capital, will represent the critical factor of production. This will give rise to a job market increasingly segregated into “low-skill/low-pay” and “high-skill/high-pay” segments, which in turn will lead to an increase in social tensions…..  ….. This helps explain why so many workers are disillusioned and fearful that their own real incomes and those of their children will continue to stagnate. It also helps explain why middle classes around the world are increasingly experiencing a pervasive sense of dissatisfaction and unfairness. A winner-takes-all economy that offers only limited access to the middle class is a recipe for democratic malaise and dereliction…..

….. Discontent can also be fueled by the pervasiveness of digital technologies and the dynamics of information sharing typified by social media. More than 30 percent of the global population now uses social media platforms to connect, learn, and share information. In an ideal world, these interactions would provide an opportunity for cross-cultural understanding and cohesion. However, they can also create and propagate unrealistic expectations as to what constitutes success for an individual or a group, as well as offer opportunities for extreme ideas and ideologies to spread….. On the supply side, many industries are seeing the introduction of new technologies that create entirely new ways of serving existing needs and significantly disrupt existing industry value chains. Disruption is also flowing from agile, innovative competitors who, thanks to access to global digital platforms for research, development, marketing, sales, and distribution, can oust well-established incumbents faster than ever by improving the quality, speed, or price at which value is delivered……

  …. On the whole, there are four main effects that the Fourth Industrial Revolution has on business—on customer expectations, on product enhancement, on collaborative innovation, and on organizational forms. Whether consumers or businesses, customers are increasingly at the epicenter of the economy, which is all about improving how customers are served. Physical products and services, moreover, can now be enhanced with digital capabilities that increase their value. New technologies make assets more durable and resilient, while data and analytics are transforming how they are maintained. A world of customer experiences, data-based services, and asset performance through analytics, meanwhile, requires new forms of collaboration, particularly given the speed at which innovation and disruption are taking place. And the emergence of global platforms and other new business models, finally, means that talent, culture, and organizational forms will have to be rethought…… …. Overall, the inexorable shift from simple digitization (the Third Industrial Revolution) to innovation based on combinations of technologies (the Fourth Industrial Revolution) is forcing companies to reexamine the way they do business. The bottom line, however, is the same: business leaders and senior executives need to understand their changing environment, challenge the assumptions of their operating teams, and relentlessly and continuously innovate…..

…. As the physical, digital, and biological worlds continue to converge, new technologies and platforms will increasingly enable citizens to engage with governments, voice their opinions, coordinate their efforts, and even circumvent the supervision of public authorities. Simultaneously, governments will gain new technological powers to increase their control over populations, based on pervasive surveillance systems and the ability to control digital infrastructure. On the whole, however, governments will increasingly face pressure to change their current approach to public engagement and policymaking, as their central role of conducting policy diminishes owing to new sources of competition and the redistribution and decentralization of power that new technologies make possible.  Ultimately, the ability of government systems and public authorities to adapt will determine their survival. If they prove capable of embracing a world of disruptive change, subjecting their structures to the levels of transparency and efficiency that will enable them to maintain their competitive edge, they will endure. If they cannot evolve, they will face increasing trouble.  This will be particularly true in the realm of regulation. Current systems of public policy and decision-making evolved alongside the Second Industrial Revolution, when decision-makers had time to study a specific issue and develop the necessary response or appropriate regulatory framework. …..

  …… How, then, can they preserve the interest of the consumers and the public at large while continuing to support innovation and technological development? By embracing “agile” governance, just as the private sector has increasingly adopted agile responses to software development and business operations more generally. This means regulators must continuously adapt to a new, fast-changing environment, reinventing themselves so they can truly understand what it is they are regulating. To do so, governments and regulatory agencies will need to collaborate closely with business and civil society.  The Fourth Industrial Revolution will also profoundly impact the nature of national and international security, affecting both the probability and the nature of conflict. The history of warfare and international security is the history of technological innovation, and today is no exception. Modern conflicts involving states are increasingly “hybrid” in nature, combining traditional battlefield techniques with elements previously associated with nonstate actors. The distinction between war and peace, combatant and noncombatant, and even violence and nonviolence (think cyberwarfare) is becoming uncomfortably blurry.  As this process takes place and new technologies such as autonomous or biological weapons become easier to use, individuals and small groups will increasingly join states in being capable of causing mass harm. This new vulnerability will lead to new fears.

…… But at the same time, advances in technology will create the potential to reduce the scale or impact of violence, through the development of new modes of protection, for example, or greater precision in targeting….. One of the greatest individual challenges posed by new information technologies is privacy. We instinctively understand why it is so essential, yet the tracking and sharing of information about us is a crucial part of the new connectivity. Debates about fundamental issues such as the impact on our inner lives of the loss of control over our data will only intensify in the years ahead. Similarly, the revolutions occurring in biotechnology and AI, which are redefining what it means to be human by pushing back the current thresholds of life span, health, cognition, and capabilities, will compel us to redefine our moral and ethical boundaries….. …. Neither technology nor the disruption that comes with it is an exogenous force over which humans have no control. All of us are responsible for guiding its evolution, in the decisions we make on a daily basis as citizens, consumers, and investors. We should thus grasp the opportunity and power we have to shape the Fourth Industrial Revolution and direct it toward a future that reflects our common objectives and values…….

…. To do this, however, we must develop a comprehensive and globally shared view of how technology is affecting our lives and reshaping our economic, social, cultural, and human environments. There has never been a time of greater promise, or one of greater potential peril. Today’s decision-makers, however, are too often trapped in traditional, linear thinking, or too absorbed by the multiple crises demanding their attention, to think strategically about the forces of disruption and innovation shaping our future.  In the end, it all comes down to people and values. We need to shape a future that works for all of us by putting people first and empowering them. In its most pessimistic, dehumanized form, the Fourth Industrial Revolution may indeed have the potential to “robotize” humanity and thus to deprive us of our heart and soul. But as a complement to the best parts of human nature—creativity, empathy, stewardship—it can also lift humanity into a new collective and moral consciousness based on a shared sense of destiny. It is incumbent on us all to make sure the latter prevails”

September 12 & 20 (added epilogue) 2019:

Extracts from “The Tao of Physics” by Fritjof Capra:

“If physics leads us today to a world view which is essentially mystical, it returns, in a way, to its beginning, 2,500 years ago. It is interesting to follow the evolution of Western science along its spiral path, starting from the mystical philosophies of the early Greeks, rising and unfolding in an impressive development of intellectual thought that increasingly turned away from its mystical origins to develop a world view which is in sharp contrast to that of the Far East. In its most recent stages, Western science is finally overcoming this view and coming back to those of the early Greek and the Eastern philosophies.
This time, however, it is not only based on intuition, but also on experiments of great precision and sophistication, and on a rigorous and consistent mathematical formalism. The roots of physics, as of all Western science, are to be The found in the first period of Greek philosophy in the sixth century B.C., in a culture where science, philosophy and religion were not separated. The sages of the Milesian school in lonia were not concerned with such distinctions. Their aim was to discover the essential nature, or real constitution, of things which they called ‘physis’. The term ‘physics’ is derived from this Greek word and meant therefore, originally, the endeavour of seeing the essential nature of all things….”

“….In fact, they did not even have a word for matter, since they saw all forms of existence as manifestations of the ‘physis’, endowed with life and spirituality. Thus Thales declared all things to be full of gods and Anaximander saw the universe as a kind of organism which was supported by ‘pneuma’, the cosmic breath, in the same way as the human body is supported by air.  The monistic and organic view of the Milesians was very close to that of ancient Indian and Chinese philosophy, and the parallels to Eastern thought are even stronger in the philosophy of Heraclitus of Ephesus. Heraclitus believed in a world of perpetual change, of eternal ‘Becoming’. For him, all static Being was based on deception and his universal principle was fire, a symbol for the continuous flow and change of all things. Heraclitus taught that all changes in the world arise from the dynamic and cyclic interplay of opposites and he saw any pair of opposites as a unity. This unity, which contains and transcends all opposing forces, he called the Logos. The split of this unity began with the Eleatic school, which assumed a Divine Principle standing above all gods and men. This principle was first identified with the unity of the universe, but was later seen as an intelligent and personal God who stands above the world and directs it. Thus began a trend of thought which led, ultimately, to the separation of spirit and matter and to a dualism which became characteristic of Western philosophy…”

“… The scientific knowledge of antiquity was systematized and organized by Aristotle, who created the scheme which was to be the basis of the Western view of the universe for two thousand years. But Aristotle himself believed that questions concerning the human soul and the contemplation of God’s perfection were much more valuable than investigations of the material world. The reason the Aristotelian model of the The universe remained unchallenged for so long was precisely this lack of interest in the material world, and the strong hold of the Christian Church which supported Aristotle’s doctrines throughout the Middle Ages. Further development of Western science had to wait until the Renaissance, when men began to free themselves from the influence of Aristotle and the Church and showed a new interest in nature. In the late fifteenth century, the study of nature was approached, for the first time, in a truly scientific spirit and experiments were undertaken to test speculative ideas….”

“…When I refer to ‘Eastern mysticism’, I mean the religious philosophies of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism. Although these comprise a vast number of subtly interwoven spiritual disciplines and philosophical systems, the basic features of their world view are the same. This view is not limited to the East, but can be found to some degree in all mystically oriented philosophies. The argument of this book could therefore be phrased more generally, by saying that modern physics leads us to a view of the world which is very similar to the views held by mystics of all ages and traditions. Mystical traditions are present in all religions, and mystical elements can be found in many schools of Western philosophy. The parallels to modern physics appear not only in the Vedas of Hinduism, in the I Ching, or in the Buddhist sutras, but also in the fragments of Heraclitus, in the Sufism of Ibn Arabi, or in the teachings of the Yaqui sorcerer Don Juan. The difference between Eastern and Western mysticism is that mystical schools have always played a marginal role in the West, whereas they constitute the mainstream of Eastern philosophical and religious thought…”

“….This formulation appeared in the seventeenth century in the philosophy of Rene Descartes who based his view of nature on fundamental division into two separate and independent realms; that of mind (res cogitans), and that of matter (res extensa). The ‘Cartesian’ division allowed scientists to treat matter as dead and completely separate from themselves, and to see the material world as a multitude of different objects assembled into a huge machine. Such a mechanistic world view was held by Isaac Newton who constructed his mechanics on its basis and made it the foundation of classical physics. From the second half of the seventeenth to the end of the nineteenth century, the mechanistic Newtonian model of the universe dominated all scientific thought. It was paralleled by the image of a monarchical God who ruled the world from above by imposing his divine law on it. The fundamental laws of nature searched for by the scientists were thus seen as the laws of God, invariable and eternal, to which the world was subjected. The philosophy of Descartes was not only important for the development of classical physics, but also had a tremendous influence on the general Western way of thinking up to the present day. Descartes’ famous sentence ‘Cogito ergo sum’- ‘I think, therefore I exist’-has led Western man to equate his identity with his mind, instead of with his whole organism..”

“….As a consequence of the Cartesian division, most individuals are aware of themselves as isolated egos existing ‘inside’ their bodies. The mind has been separated from the body and given the futile task of controlling it, thus causing an apparent conflict between the conscious will and the involuntary instincts. Each individual has been split up further into a large number of separate compartments, according to his or her activities, talents, feelings, beliefs, etc., which are engaged in endless conflicts generating continuous metaphysical confusion and frustration. This inner fragmentation of man mirrors his view of the world ‘outside’ which is seen as a multitude of separate objects and events. The natural environment is treated as if it consisted of separate parts to be exploited by different interest groups. The fragmented view is further extended to society which is split into different nations, races, religious and political groups. The belief that all these fragments-in ourselves, in our environment and in our society-are really separate can be seen as the essential reason for the present series of social, ecological and cultural crises. It has alienated us from nature and from our fellow human beings. It has brought a grossly unjust distribution of natural resources creating economic and political disorder; an ever rising wave of violence, both spontaneous and institutionalized, and an ugly, polluted environment in which life has often become …unhealthy”…

“The Cartesian division and the mechanistic world view have thus been beneficial and detrimental at the same time. They were extremely successful in the development of classical physics and technology, but had many adverse consequences for our civilization. It is fascinating to see that twentieth-century science, which originated in the Cartesian split and in the mechanistic world view, and which indeed only became possible because of such a view, now overcomes this fragmentation and leads back to the idea of unity expressed in the early Greek and Eastern philosophies. In contrast to the mechanistic Western view, the Eastern view of the world is ‘organic’. For the Eastern mystic, all things and events perceived by the senses are interrelated, connected, and are but different aspects or manifestations of the same Physics ultimate reality. Our tendency to divide the perceived world into individual and separate things and to experience ourselves as isolated egos in this world is seen as an illusion which comes from our measuring and categorizing mentality….. The Eastern world view is therefore intrinsically dynamic and contains time and change as essential features. The cosmos is seen as one inseparable reality-for ever in motion, alive, organic; spiritual and material at the same time….. Correspondingly, the Eastern image of the Divine is not that of a ruler who directs the world from above, but of a principle that controls everything from within….”

“….The following chapters… are intended to suggest that Eastern thought and, more generally, mystical thought provide a consistent and relevant philosophical background to the theories of contemporary science; a conception of the world in which man’s scientific discoveries can be in perfect harmony with his spiritual aims and religious beliefs. The two basic themes of this conception are the unity and interrelation of all phenomena and the intrinsically dynamic nature of the universe. The increasing number of people have seen this as the underlying reason for the widespread dissatisfaction in our society, and many have turned to Eastern ways of liberation. It is interesting, and perhaps not too surprising, that those who are attracted by Eastern mysticism, who consult the I Ching and practise Yoga or other forms of meditation, in general have a marked anti-scientific attitude. They tend to see science, and physics in particular, as an unimaginative, narrow-minded discipline which is responsible for all the evils of modern technology. This book aims at improving the image of science by showing that there is an essential harmony between the spirit of Eastern wisdom and Western science. It attempts to suggest that modern physics goes far beyond technology, that the way or Tao-of physics can be a path with a heart, a way to spiritual knowledge. and self-realization….”


“The Eastern religious philosophies are concerned with timeless mystical knowledge which lies beyond reasoning and cannot be adequately expressed in words. The relation of this knowledge to modern physics is but one of its many aspects and, like all the others, it cannot be demonstrated conclusively but has to be experienced in a direct intuitive way. What I hope to have achieved, to some extent, therefore, is not a rigorous demonstration, but rather to have given the reader an opportunity to relive, every now and then, an experience which has become for me a source of continuing joy and inspiration; that the principal theories and models of modern physics lead to a view of the world which is internally consistent and in perfect harmony with the views of Eastern mysticism. For those who have experienced this harmony, the significance of the parallels between the world views of physicists and mystics is beyond any doubt. The interesting question, then, is not whether these parallels exist, but why; and, furthermore, what their existence implies. In trying to understand the mystery of Life, man has followed many different approaches. Among them, there are the ways of the scientist and mystic, but there are many more; the ways of poets, children, clowns, shamans, to name but a few. These ways have resulted in different descriptions of the world, both verbal and non-verbal, which emphasize different aspects. All are valid and useful in the context in which they arose. All of them, however, are only descriptions, or representations, of reality and are therefore limited. None can give a complete picture of the world.

The mechanistic world view of classical physics is useful for the description of the kind of physical phenomena we encounter in our everyday life and thus appropriate for dealing with our daily environment, and it has also proved extremely successful as a basis for technology. It is inadequate, however, for the description of physical phenomena in the submicroscopic realm. Opposed to the mechanistic conception of the world is the view of the mystics which may be epitomized by the word ‘organic’, as it regards all phenomena in the universe as integral parts of an inseparable harmonious whole. This world view emerges in the mystical traditions from meditative states of consciousness. In their description of the world, the mystics use concepts which are derived from these nonordinary experiences and are, in general, inappropriate for a scientific description of macroscopic phenomena. The organic world view is not advantageous for constructing machines, nor for coping with the technical problems in an overpopulated world. In everyday life, then, both the mechanistic and the organic views of the universe are valid and useful; the one for science and technology, the other for a balanced and fulfilled spiritual life. Beyond the dimensions of our everyday environment, however, the mechanistic concepts lose their validity and have to be replaced by organic concepts which are very similar to those used by the mystics. This is the essential experience of modern physics which has been the subject of our discussion. Physics in the twentieth century has shown that the concepts of the organic world view, although of little value for science and technology on the human scale, become extremely useful at the atomic and subatomic level. The organic view, therefore, seems to be more fundamental than the mechanistic. Classical physics, which is based on the latter, can be derived from quantum theory, which implies the former, whereas the reverse is not possible. This seems to give a first indication why we might expect the world views of modern physics and Eastern mysticism to be similar. Both emerge when man enquires into the essential nature of things- into the deeper realms of matter in physics; into the deeper realms of consciousness in mysticism – when he discovers a different reality behind the superficial mechanistic appearance of everyday life.

The parallels between the views of physicists and mystics become even more plausible when we recall the other similarities which exist in spite of their different approaches. To begin with, their method is thoroughly empirical. Physicists derive their knowledge from experiments; mystics from meditative insights. Both are observations, and in both fields these observations are acknowledged as the only source of knowledge. The object of observation is of course very different in the two cases. The mystic looks within and explores his or her consciousness at its various levels, which include the body as the physical manifestation of the mind. The experience of one’s body is, in fact, emphasized in many Eastern traditions and is often seen as the key to the mystical experience of the world. When we are healthy, we do not feel any separate parts in our body but are aware of it as an integrated whole, and this awareness generates a feeling of well-being and happiness. In a similar way, the mystic is aware of the wholeness of the entire cosmos which is experienced as an extension of the body. In the words of Lama Govinda, “To the enlightened man . . . whose consciousness embraces the universe, to him the universe becomes his ‘body’, while his physical body becomes a manifestation of the Universal Mind, his inner vision an expression of the highest reality, and his speech an expression of eternal truth and mantric power.”

In contrast to the mystic, the physicist begins his enquiry into the essential nature of things by studying the material world. Penetrating into ever deeper realms of matter, he has become aware of the essential unity of all things and events. More than that, he has also learnt that he himself and his consciousness are an integral part of this unity. Thus the mystic and the physicist arrive at the same conclusion; one starting from the inner realm, the other from the outer world. The harmony between their views confirms the ancient Indian wisdom that Brahman, the ultimate reality without, is identical to Atman, the reality within. A further similarity between the ways of the physicist and mystic is the fact that their observations take place in realms which are inaccessible to the ordinary senses. In modern physics, these are the realms of the atomic and subatomic world; in mysticism they are non-ordinary states of consciousness in which the sense world is transcended. Mystics often talk about experiencing higher dimensions in which impressions of different centres of consciousness are integrated into a harmonious whole. A similar situation exists in modern physics where a four-dimensional ‘space-time’ formalism has been developed which unifies concepts and observations belonging to different categories in the ordinary three-dimensional world. In both fields, the multi-dimensional experiences transcend the sensory world and are therefore almost impossible to express in ordinary language. We see that the ways of the modern physicist and the Eastern mystic, which seem at first totally unrelated, have, in fact, much in common. It should not be too surprising, therefore, that there are striking parallels in their descriptions of the world.

Once these parallels between Western science and Eastern mysticism are accepted, a number of questions will arise concerning their implications. Is modern science, with all its sophisticated machinery, merely rediscovering ancient wisdom, known to the Eastern sages for thousands of years? Should physicists, therefore, abandon the scientific method and begin to meditate? Or can there be a mutual influence between science and mysticism; perhaps even a synthesis? I think all these questions have to be answered in the negative. I see science and mysticism as two complementary manifestations of the human mind; of its rational and intuitive faculties. The modern physicist experiences the world through an extreme specialization of the rational mind; the mystic through an extreme specialization of the intuitive mind. The two approaches are entirely different and involve far more than a certain view of the physical world. However, they are complementary, as we have learned to say in physics. Neither is comprehended in the other, nor can either of them be reduced to the other, but both of them are necessary, supplementing one another for a fuller understanding of the world. To paraphrase an old Chinese saying, mystics understand the roots of the Tao but not its branches; scientists understand its branches but not its roots. Science does not need mysticism and mysticism does not need science; but man needs both.

Mystical experience is necessary to understand the deepest nature of things, and science is essential for modern life. What we need, therefore, is not a synthesis but a dynamic interplay between mystical intuition and scientific analysis. So far, this has not been achieved in our society. At present, our attitude is too yang-to use again Chinese phraseology too rational, male and aggressive. Scientists themselves are a typical example. Although their theories are leading to a world view which is similar to that of the mystics, it is striking how little this has affected the attitudes of most scientists. In mysticism, knowledge cannot be separated from a certain way of life which becomes its living manifestation. To acquire mystical knowledge means to undergo a transformation; one could even say that the knowledge is the transformation. Scientific knowledge, on the other hand, can often stay abstract and theoretical. Thus most of today’s physicists do not seem to realize the philosophical, cultural and spiritual implications of their theories. Many of them actively support a society which is still based on the mechanistic, fragmented world view, without seeing that science points beyond such a view, towards a oneness of the universe which includes not only our natural environment but also our fellow human beings.

I believe that the world view implied by modern physics is inconsistent with our present society, which does not reflect the harmonious interrelatedness we observe in nature. To achieve such a state of dynamic balance, a radically different social and economic structure will be needed: a cultural revolution in the true sense of the word. The survival of our whole civilization may depend on whether we can bring about such a change. It will depend, ultimately, on our ability to adopt some of the yin attitudes of Eastern mysticism; to experience the wholeness of nature and the art of living with it in harmony.”

September 7 2019:

There are two versions of God and Satan. God provides everything that Adam and Eve (allegory – human race) wants (to eat/survive) in His garden and Adam and Eve were not supposed to eat fruits from a specific tree. Satan convinces the couple to eat fruits from the forbidden tree and the couple are thrown out of the heaven. During those times when people used to worship the monarchies or those who had “divine right to rule”, the rulers were equivalent to God. Before monarchies, there were tribal chiefs or elders who were equal to other tribal members, but were well versed in providing guidance and directions. Mostly the tribes might have worried about survival strategies. It is possible that the people within the tribes were curious about their surroundings and came up with small scale inventions and discoveries, which might have spread to other tribes, but with limited scope to evolve, those discoveries might not have evolved to a grand or complicated scale – eg: local herbal remedies vs modern medicine. One has to remember that the instituion of monarchy was invented when large number of people had to be governed when civilizations were drawing large number of people towards them. Monarchies were adorned with throne and crown and many protective and decorative layers which inspired awe (somewhat like the hollywood version of an ordinary event), and was a centralised governing strategy which kept large number of people under control.

Monarchy as an institution might have evolved with time with its own pros and cons. But the curse of the centralised command and few bloodlines clinging to the divine right to rule by birth is continuing even today.  Some of the documented royal houses have so many branches with many of them ready to contend for throne. Only recently the world is experiencing break from wars which were sometimes nothing but royal family fights. The royal family members are huge in number and if one is to fit them into a city or a small country, one can observe that it will be similar to other places. May be one fourth of the European population are descendants of Charlemagne. It is not difficult to see that royals are ordinary people like anyone else. The difference could lie in the networks and wealth they inherit which influence decision making. Why should the privileges be restricted to few families?  Even today some people are thrilled by the magic surrounding a queen or king or prince or princesses. Other than monarchies we have real life examples of centralised command in the hands of dictators like Mussolini, Hitler, etc that had wrecked societies.  [ https://futureofworking.com/6-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-communism/ ] Hitler’s national socialism and soviet’s communism are examples of centralised command structure where God promises to provide for sustenance. In such cases knowledge that empowers and frees people and help them to be independent is considered as Satan.

Today some of the corporates like Monsanto and Amazon and other digital giants are on a path towards different kind of centralisation and accumulation of wealth. May be the same goes for executive powers of the President or any single person within a democracy who holds enormous controlling power. There is no guarantee that the few digital platforms and the few people behind them will remain benevolent forever. Further, accumulating billions and trillions of dollars at the expense of disrupting small and medium businesses is not worth the free dividend that will be offered to the people as proposed by few – like offering 1000$ per month that will increase spending and thereby boost the economy. I somehow see a digital version of the  soviet era communism where few digital giants will play the role of the soviet state / Hitler in controlling people’s economic affairs. With every sphere of human life coming under digital operations, only laws and regulations can provide protective measures. Then one may wonder about GCHQ, NSA and Five eyes and the likes where governments are abusing surveillance powers and are coming up with laws which legalize such practices. People seem to not realise the harms that digital era can bring and hence there are no protests against the abuses or no protests demanding protection of their rights. Some say that there is nothing to hide as they dont involve in criminal activites, but there are many things in life that require privacy and protection.

[ The internet is broken. Can this group fix it? – POLITICO https://www.politico.eu/article/internet-governance-ottawa-regulation-balkanization-splinternet-global-jurisdiction-policy-network/ 

Europe seeks to lead a new world order on data – POLITICO https://www.politico.eu/article/europe-trade-data-protection-privacy/ 

Data protection in the EU | European Commission https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/data-protection-eu_en 

Council Post: How Regulations Could Determine The Future Of Innovation And The Gig Economy https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2018/11/01/how-regulations-will-determine-the-future-of-innovation-and-the-gig-economy/#20e4c8325f43#20e4c8325f43 

A proposal for modernizing labor laws for 21st century work: The “independent worker” https://www.brookings.edu/research/a-proposal-for-modernizing-labor-laws-for-21st-century-work-the-independent-worker/ 

China’s privacy norms could influence the future of tech  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/theworldpost/wp/2018/08/07/china-privacy/ 

Laws and Ethics Can’t Keep Pace with Technology https://www.technologyreview.com/s/526401/laws-and-ethics-cant-keep-pace-with-technology/ 

What You Need to Know About California’s New Data Privacy Law https://hbr.org/2018/07/what-you-need-to-know-about-californias-new-data-privacy-law 

What Are Some of the Laws Regarding Internet and Data Security? https://us.norton.com/internetsecurity-privacy-laws-regarding-internet-data-security.html ]

Now comes the other version of Satan. God (- this word denotes cosmic power to me) created the world and populated it with human beings. Humans are mirror images of God Himself who are endowed with the ability to raise above the primitive needs and have the ability to create and evolve and reach higher ideals – both in the external world in the form of achievements in the material world, as well reaching inner perfection. Many in today’s world might wonder what is the need for religion? Regardless of the intellectual debates and arguments, many might accept that Buddha or Christ were individuals who preached higher ideals and lived according to those ideals and many consider(ed) them pure and divine or reincarnation of God. There is a difference in the detachment that Buddha preached. He was born in a royal family and had consumed material benefits that many can only dream of. Yet he was not content with those pleasures and renounced his royal life when he saw the sufferings in the world. His continuous inquiry and penance lead to his enlightment which he preached to the world. Now people’s nature occupies a wide range of spectrum – like the VIBGYOR shades in a rainbow. Also the light is invisible in frequencies below and above this range. Similarly an individual who lives under crushing poverty while yearning for a better life cant say that he is practicing material detachment. There is a difference in the non-violence practiced by a chained prisoner and a sage like Buddha.

Attaining Buddhahood or living like that of Christ or other prophets is possible only if the individual is willing to make sufficient efforts. It is similar to alchemy in which the base metal is converted to gold. Leo Tolstoy was not happy with the violence that he saw around him, and had written that only by returning love as a response to a violent act can human beings overcome violence in this world. He further advocates non-violent resistance and condemns meekly succumbing to injustice. He was an inspiration to Gandhi’s non-violent struggle against British occupation – which inturn inspired Martin Luther King’s non-violent civil rights struggle. It is easy to say this, but difficult to practice. Satan (allegory) tempts human minds with the variations of seven sins. Those who are fed up with religion or recollect the oppression practiced in the name of religion may want to brush aside the term sin. But some of these people may be fighting against wars, or gang/police violence, rape, child abuse, etc. The 9/11 attacks instilled such a fear in human minds which demanded violent response, and  created a vicious cycle that promoted terrorism and tough strategies to eliminate terrorism. What is wrong in terming ‘wrath’ as sin?  Anger is like fire which be used to light a lamp, or cook food, or engulf cities like Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It is necessary to be angry against injustice – but the response cannot be impulsive and instant – like shooting the one who punched you.

Non-violent resistance overcame British oppression, but didnt create scars as deep as the violence exhibited during India-Pakistan partition. Till today violence is considered as a fitting reply – an eye for an eye – and both countries harbour mistrust and resentment. This is a pattern across the world – where arms race is considered as a way to remain safe from violence. Though fear of destruction by nuclear weapons had averted large scale wars, plans to develop mini nukes and space weapons indicate that there is a need to change the mindset which demands violence to solve problems. Industrial revolution had triggered large scale weapons manufacturing along with other machineries and some families/countries generate wealth via weapon manufacturing which also includes guns. This is not to under-estimate the defence requirements of any country, but if weapons manufacturing companies are run like corporates which are under pressure to make profit, it is not difficult to imagine perpetual wars – where either lobbying/threat can influence decision makers & artificial terrorist threats can herd people into supporting war. People within USA or Europe or India have learned to live together and dont find a need for war among themselves. Can the whole world reach such a state where people can live together peacefully? May be it is possible – if there is mutual trust and interdependence among the nations. Economic inequality is a barrier for such peaceful co-existence.

But, globalization and trade dependencies has created alliances which make countries think twice before waging war and disrupting economies. Can nations come up with economic strategies that do not depend on military and surveillance industries for generating or retaining wealth? This culture of wealth generation which depends on persistent insecurity cant allow the collective redemption of the human race. Then comes the question of population level. From some of the articles that I read, I understood that there is a cult which worships mother Earth (Gaia?) – and is against industrialization and overpopulation, which will deplete and destroy the earth, and hence supports the concept of reducing the number of people and populating the earth with trees – as in the movie ‘Lord of the rings’, where trees invade cities. I am not sure if there are powerful people involved in such activities, but the question of increasing population level requires attention to ensure sufficient or surplus supply of vital natural resources. Technology and industrialization support increasing population levels unlike the early ages which were at the mercy of nature. We need to respect nature and care about ecology, but need not give up technology and revert to primitive ways of living which will lead to depopulation and thus protect mother nature.

Any issue can be viewed from multiple angles. Finding the equilibrium or balance is essential. The population question is also associated with domination, religion and birth-control. Some are of the view that strength lies in number and promote giving birth to lot of children. Pew research or other such sources promote statistics or predictions like this: in 50 years coloured people will overtake USA; eventually muslims will outnumber hindus in India, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and eventually x, y, z will happen. These kind of predictions or fear-mongering create insecurity everywhere – this is because of assumption that majority can wield power over the minorities. History shows that advanced weapons/warfare in the hands of few can overpower many who have relatively powerless weapons. At the same time the money and research spent in military R&D can come up with technologies that can improve lives – and the competition in acquiring advanced weapons eventually lead to widespread adaptation of advanced technologies by people all over the world. Eg: Internet, GPS, microwave, etc [  https://www.businessinsider.com/14-advanced-military-projects-that-could-change-the-world-forever-2012-8?IR=T#this-is-an-offensive-laser-weapon-mounted-on-an-aircraft-14    &     https://www.pocket-lint.com/gadgets/news/143526-how-military-tech-changed-our-lives ]. Though most of the countries are wary of nuclear weapons, we cant underwrite the benefits of nuclear power.

“The first power station to produce electricity by using heat from the splitting of uranium atoms began operating in the 1950s. Today most people are aware of the important contribution nuclear energy makes in providing a significant proportion of clean electricity. The applications of nuclear technology outside of civil electricity production in power plants are less well-known. Radioisotopes, nuclear power process heat and non-stationary power reactors have essential uses across multiple sectors, including consumer products, food and agriculture, industry, medicine and scientific research, transport, and water resources and the environment — https://www.world-nuclear.org/information-library/non-power-nuclear-applications/overview/the-many-uses-of-nuclear-technology.aspx. ”      Fossil fuels lead to pollution, but more than pollution (may be new efficient ways can curb the pollution), the race to secure this non-renewable resource which is essential for industries and thereby economic growth & security will be a major justification for switching to other sources of energy. Other than Solar and Wind energy, Thorium and fission energy sources may be available in the future. The question that lingers for an ordinary person like me is: why is that a developing country like India with many people below the poverty line have restrictions in using fossil fuels/nuclear power for energy requirements and are expected to depend on developed countries? 

Probably investing in Thorium (which is available within India) reactors or development of other indigenous technologies and infrastructures specific to India’s needs might require the involvemment of the government – as Abdul Kalam stated, India need to focus 70% on development politics considering the diversity within India which reflects in the challenges faced in the formation of stable central government. Currently India has a stable government at the centre – which can be used to come up with policies that benefit all the states as well all of people within India. [ https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/apj-abdul-kalam-pm-narendra-modi-india-knowledge-superpower-285245-2015-07-29 ] There are lot of people who can become job creators within India by establishing entrepreneurial units in different sectors. Ease of starting and running a business within India will help the country and this will inturn enhance self-respect of Indians. Promise of development politics earned BJP majority of people’s votes. People rejected corruption and had chosen development. But unfortunately the power of the majority was spent in conflicts. Are people more interested in fighting over petty issues with people of other religion and caste and language? May be the same holds good for people all over the world. Why cant some global issues be solved together? What stops people from appreciating the “other”?   

“In fact, all the modern civilisations have their cradles of brick and mortar. These (city) walls leave their mark deep in the minds of men. They set up a principle of “divide and rule” in our mental outlook, which begets in us a habit of securing all our conquests by fortifying them and separating them from one another. We divide nation and nation, knowledge and knowledge, man and nature. It breeds in us a strong suspicion of whatever is beyond the barriers we have built, and everything has to fight hard for its entrance into our recognition…. … All our poetry, philosophy, science, art and religion are serving to extend the scope of our consciousness towards higher and larger spheres. ….  Man’s abiding happiness is not in getting anything but in giving himself up to what is greater than himself, to ideas which are larger than his individual life, the idea of his country, of humanity, of God. They make it easier for him to part with all that he has, not expecting his life. His existence is miserable and sordid till he finds some great idea which can truly claim his all, which can release him from all attachment to his belongings. Buddha and Jesus, and all our great prophets, represent such great ideas. They hold before us opportunities for surrendering our all [  https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/tagore/sadh/index.htm ] ” 

It seems as if people are searching for a higher purpose or identity but are drawn to instant gratification or fall prey to fake prophecies or toxic notions of identity or religion. I learn more about life and God from books like “Sadhana -the realisation of life” by Rabindranath Tagore. Mostly the author is talking about Upanishads and quotes Buddha & Jesus and he mentions God as Infinite. Once such higher concepts enter the mind, it seeks more from other sources like “Imitation of Christ” or Quran or Bhagavat Gita or the likes. Rather than finding faults, mind seeks guidance. Each has something new to offer or add to the existing understanding. Realising higher ideals in life is like climbing Mt.Everest – different individuals might have reached different heights, but what is important is to have the right tools and guidance to reach the peak. What is important is to obey the conscience and listen to the inner voice which can eventually learn to identify the husk and the grain. The bliss and adventure is reserved for everyone and the Infinite is magnanimous enough to embrace everyone. When we think only about a narrow section – for example my tribe or my religion and tend to shrink our understanding or accomodation of others, the circles get smaller and smaller and eventually can only think of ‘me’. But thinking in terms of ‘us’ or ‘we’ expands us gradually and may be we can learn to enlarge our circles and think about us – the human race.

August 31 2019:

Some of Lincoln’s quotes on labour and education:

  “If at any time all labour should cease, and all existing provisions be equally divided among the people, at the end of a single year there could scarcely be one human being left alive—all would have perished by want of subsistence.”  

“Beavers build houses; but they build them in nowise differently, or better now, than they did, five thousand years ago. Ants, and honey-bees, provide food for winter; but just in the same way they did, when Solomon referred the sluggard to them as patterns of prudence. Man is not the only animal who labors; but he is the only one who improves his workmanship.”  

“Property is the fruit of labor…property is desirable…is a positive good in the world. That some should be rich shows that others may become rich, and hence is just encouragement to industry and enterprise. Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another; but let him labor diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built.” 

“The prudent, penniless beginner in the world, labors for wages awhile, saves a surplus with which to buy tools or land, for himself; then labors on his own account another while, and at length hires another new beginner to help him. This, say its advocates, is free labor—the just and generous, and prosperous system, which opens the way for all—gives hope to all, and energy, and progress, and improvement of condition to all.”

“The old general rule was that educated people did not perform manual labor. They managed to eat their bread, leaving the toil of producing it to the uneducated. This was not an insupportable evil to the working bees, so long as the class of drones remained very small. But now, especially in these free States, nearly all are educated–quite too nearly all, to leave the labor of the uneducated, in any wise adequate to the support of the whole. It follows from this that henceforth educated people must labor. Otherwise, education itself would become a positive and intolerable evil. No country can sustain, in idleness, more than a small percentage of its numbers. The great majority must labor at something productive.” 

“Upon the subject of education, not presuming to dictate any plan or system respecting it, I can only say that I view it as the most important subject which we as a people can be engaged in. That every man may receive at least, a moderate education, and thereby be enabled to read the histories of his own and other countries, by which he may duly appreciate the value of our free institutions, appears to be an object of vital importance, even on this account alone, to say nothing of the advantages and satisfaction to be derived from all being able to read the scriptures and other works, both of a religious and moral nature, for themselves. ” 

Few observations I made in the recent past are that the people in developed and rich countries are not willing to do the hard jobs. Legal and illegal immigrants (mostly coloured or Eastern European) are roped in to do these jobs. Many locals on the welfare support are not ready to take the hard jobs. If I look at the American system, atleast the European and Jewish immigrants who began working at the lower rungs of the society have moved up the social hierarchy. May be other immigrants will move up the ladder in the near future. Outsourcing and globalization has shifted wealth from West to the East, while colonialism shifted wealth from East to the West. Yet most of the Eastern countries or the global South have not yet achieved a high standard of living as in the West. Ghettos in the developed countries are much more wealthier compared to the slums in the global South. It is inevitable that people all over the world will strive for higher standard of living. At the same time people who lost their jobs in the West find that life has become difficult. Some long for the return of the outsourced jobs. For me it was difficult to live in Europe when people pointed out that they lost their jobs to countries like India and that young people are struggling to find jobs while some immigrants are taking local jobs as well. The question surrounding integration is also discussed often in the public.

There are claims that having immigrants helps the economy, as they are new to the country and hence work hard to establish themselves, and thus their contribution is vital –  in the form of entrepreneurship ( which will generate jobs ) or cheap labour ( which helps in supplying low cost products to local consumers and hence boost the local economy ). Yet the economic insecurity and the fear of immigrants have resulted in far right movemments.   Depending on how far one is willing to look back, history provides different answers to the conditions that lead to the current scenario. According to some, the white race and colonialism are at the centre of the history (which goes back to 400-500 years) and all the credit for the modern civilization goes to the Western countries. Those who are willing to find out what happenend before few thousands of years may quote China, India or Egypt as centres of great civilizations. Not many are claiming the award for building Angkor wat temple or coming up with Mayan calendar and pyramids. Contribution of Islam in the field of science is forgotten even by muslims. Europe prefers not to talk about the changes brought in civilization via Spain by Islamic invaders. Every race has something to be proud of. Great achievements interspersed across countries and civilizations can serve as a reminder of what humans can achieve collectively.

Before automobiles were invented someone invented wheels. Before publishing books, someone invented spoken languages and then written languages. There were times where it had taken months to produce or copy one book before automation of writing. Even weapons have evolved gradually from bones & stones to bows & arrows to  spears & swords to nuclear and space weapons. To whom should the credit go? – To the human nature that was curious to know how things work and was keen to continuously improve its living conditions, and was progressing inch by inch with every small change that made lives better. Human race stands on the shoulders of efforts previous generations who might have sacrificed a lot, who might have faced innumerable adversities starting from dangerous weather patterns & wild animals to the nearby tribes competing for the same scarce resources of food and water, etc. Thankfully humans were not satisfied in just playing “clash of civilizations” where each group competes with the other for resources and victory means destruction of the “other”. This might have left humans in the ranks of animals who compete and kill each other for food. Invention of large scale agriculture was a way of solving food scarcity problem. Invention of modern houses is a way of learning to protect ourselves from harsh weather patterns. The glory of ancient civilizations rest in what they did at that specific point of time in overcoming adversities and imagining how life can be different.

Just hanging on to the olden glory doesnt solve the current challenges. Then there are disputes in inheritance of glory of the ancient achievements, which sees no end just like those families fighting over inheritance of the wealth earned by the hardwork and ingenuity of their father or grandfather. The nature of adveristy has taken a different form. There are no more wild animals roaming amidst the human dwellings and people are afraid of other people. Does the solution lie in wiping out the races that look visibly different and occupying their land and resources? What next after populating the earth with people of same race? Will Europe accept black plague as a wise method to secure resources? May be Mayans perished because of endemic warfare or overpopulation and environmental degradation. But we have science and technology today to create rain, desalinate sea water, disperse clouds, develop high yield crops, etc. What stops us from solving the problems collectively and benefiting from each other’s contribution?  I have to quote the Jallikattu protests that took place in Tamilnadu recently. At that point of time, farmers were suffering because of droughts and many were committing suicide. Jallikattu (an ancient sport which mimicks taming wild bulls) was banned as it was considered to be cruel towards the animals taking part in the game, which also includes occasional human casualties. The ban was considered to be an effort in erasing the identity of the local culture.

This kind of sentiment prevails in the West as well – that the identity of white race is being erased by allowing coloured people to live in their land. In India it was about big companies usurping natural resources, corporates (this is a country of 1 billion+ people with many using ground water for agriculture and daily use)  depleting groundwater, etc along with the frictions created by the life style changes that had taken place rapidly in the past 20+ years. Corporates dont give jobs to kiths and kins but to anyone who can perform the job and hence have shaken the old rigid hierarchies. As years pass, the corporates are keen to reduce the pay of employees and layoff experienced employees whose payscale is much higher than the new recruits. The same economic insecurity lingers here as well.  There were people promoting the idea of Universal Basic Income. This is also similar to the welfare system which reduces the incentives to work or take risks. Welfare benenfits which serves as genuine safety net for people who are in need is not discussed here. With no labour, probably the economy and the luxuries associated with it may flop.  Further, an individual needs avenues to create and contribute in meaningful ways through which both individuals and the society keep evolving. It is true that free time allows a person to learn more about life and help him/her to pursue higher ideals in life. But there are many more people on this earth who cant make ends meet.

Preaching higher ideals to those who are with empty stomach is of no use. Global south has a long way to go in eradicating poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and in providing basic infrastructure and healthcare.  Middle class people are worried if automation will take away those jobs which involve routine/repetitive tasks. I am not an expert to answer this question, but automation will be of help if machines can do the dangerous or  demeaning jobs or those jobs which no one wants do. The employment model of Walmart or Amazon and the gig economy which demands longer working hours and lower pay is a form of modern day peasant life. Depending on few corporates for jobs and wealth generation could also lead to a form of economic fascism. Corporates have triggered a change in the global system. While there are corporates who care for the society and display social responsibility, those corporates which are similar to British/Dutch East India company is of no help today.  Countries like India have generated lot of educated youngsters. There should be space for experiments and innovation which will enable solving problems in the society as well as generate wealth which inturn will eradicate poverty. Corruption and bureaucracy will not solve the nation’s problems.   Coming back to Jallikattu protests, it was a way in which people showed their solidarity towards the farmers who were struggling. It also was an effort to retain their collective identity.

It was a peaceful assembly of large number of people – a display of the power of peaceful democratic protests. It was a protest – without affiliation to any political party or any narrow interests, but with a specific aim which most of the people agreed on, and the political leaders too lifted the ban on Jallikattu via constitutional amendment. [I hope sufficient protective measures are taken to ensure the safety of animals and the participants in the game].
Some of the people who gathered for the protest were also voicing their opinion against corruption as well as the overreach of the central government / foreign countries and influence of corporates. While people turned their attention to society’s problems collectively, there were lot of disinformation which triggered people emotionally – there was a bogeyman against whom people were united. The same people power was immediately directed towards demanding river water from the neighbouring state. In this case there was a political party trying to take leadership and in this issue anger was directed towards the neighbouring state (this water dispute is going on for a very long time) – while most of the states were suffering from lower rainfall at that time, which was also the cause of disruption in agriculture in other states as well, with cities struggling to manage their water needs. It has become normal that droughts and floods occur frequently without any practical collective solution unlike some developed countries.

It seemed as if people’s lack of understanding of what was going on within the country and internationally was used to spread disinformation like – jobs were outsourced to deplete natural resources in India, Denmark is a country where most of the people rely on agriculture, high milk yielding foreign breed cows are going to destroy our local breeds of cows and thereby local culture, British did lot of good things for India under colonial era and now the system has become awful  etc etc. Usually at the national level – Pakistan and muslims are the targets, and same may be the case in Pakistan. It was almost similar to the fear and dislike instilled in the Western countries – where all coloured persons suddenly became potential terrorists. In West, people longed for that golden era when prosperity reigned. People remember colonial era but not the era when peasants had to fight against poverty and power. In India the golden era existed before invasion by foreign forces – for some it is British and for others it is Islamic invaders. But opinions of some great minds from India give a hint that India had became stagnant and was plagued by internal conflicts.  

All those discussions blaming each other and the lack of mutual respect and distrust leads nowhere but war or similar destructive conflicts. The more I tried to find out about what happened in the past by reading materials from sources like Larouchepub, the more I realised it is futile to cling to the past resentments or even past glories. May be there are two equal and opposing forces like left wing- right wing, aristotle – plato, city builders – empire builders, east – west, etc which are deployed globally. Swami Vivekanadha praises Alexander, Genghis Khan and Napolean as great unifiers of this world. May be the opposing forces are artificial constructs that are designed to help humanity march forward – together. Those who can understand this will find that the harms inflicted on others is nothing but harm inflicted on self and will learn to live with each other peacefully.  Monarchies or a superhero cannot solve all the problems in the society. Leaders can provide vision and guidance. Only if people are willing to discharge their own duties and responsibilities, societies can function cohesively. Freedom within a democracy would also mean recognising the rights and freedom of others.  

It is vital to protect the environment and secure water supplies, prevent pollution, plant trees, and make sure industrial wastes are recycled or treated properly before discharging it into the water bodies or pumping it underground, etc. The country should demand their fair share in the usage of natural resources by other countries. But rejecting industries and depending only on agriculture cant secure land / jobs for millions of people. 

I draw inspiration from the teachings of Swami Vivekanandha and Dr.Abdul Kalam.

Vivekanandha’s words:

“We do stand in need of social reform. At times great men would evolve new ideas of progress, and kings would give them the sanction of law. Thus social improvements had been in the past made in India, and in modern times to effect such progressive reforms, we will have first to build up such an authoritative power. Kings having gone, the power is the people’s. We have, therefore, to wait till the people are educated, till they understand their needs and are ready and able to solve their problems. The tyranny of the minority is the worst tyranny in the world. Therefore, instead of frittering away our energies on ideal reforms, which will never become practical, we had better go to the root of the evil and make a legislative body, that is to say, educate our people, so that they may be able to solve their own problems. Until that is done all these ideal reforms will remain ideals only. The new order of things is the salvation of the people by the people, and it takes time to make it workable, especially in India, which has always in the past been governed by kings.”

Extract from Dr.Abdul Kalam’s speech:



“With rapid growth of private sector in the country, I visualize that education is now an important part of corporate social responsibility, as much as it is the responsibility of government. The seeds of peace in the world have their origin in the righteousness in the heart of every individual. Such righteous citizens lead to the evolution of enlightened society. Education with value system has to be so designed that the righteousness in the heart is developed in young minds. That should be the mission of education. ……The convergence of Bio, Nano and IT is expected to touch every area of concern to the humanity. The “World Knowledge Platform” will take up the missions, in some of the areas discussed further, which are of utmost urgency to all of us to make our world a safe, sustainable, peaceful and prosperous place to live:

1. Water: Desalination of sea water using solar energy, channelization, networking of rivers, cost effective safe drinking water.

2. Healthcare: Diagnosis, drug delivery system, development and production of vaccines for HIV/TB, malaria and cardiac diseases, detection and cure of diabetics.

3. Agriculture and Food processing: Increased production of food grain in an environment of reduced land, reduced water and reduced manpower; preservation of food; food processing; cost effective storage and distribution.

4. Knowledge products: Hardware, Software and Networking and Storage Products including handheld micro and nano electronic devices.

5. Transportation systems: Fossil fuel free transportation systems using renewable energies, safety systems, hardware and embedded software integration.

6. Habitat: Energy efficient, water efficient, pollution free habitat.

7. Disaster Prediction and Management: Earth quake forecasting, assessing in advance the quantum of rain for particular cloud condition.

8. Capacity Building: Quality human resource development  for all the above areas including the development of personnel with world class skills”

August 28 2019:

While addressing hierarchy, it is interesting to note down the social hierarchies that prevailed in the past all over the world. Mostly kings and priests occupied the top most layers while working class remained at the bottom. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. May be there were more tyrants than benevolent kings and queens, may be priests began abusing their privilege while serving as the intermediary between God and people. For example ordinary people could not read bible or other religious scriptures but had to depend on the priests. I wonder if the subjects were able to question their kings and queens. Noble men and their families occupied positions of privilege and only after the French and American revolution ordinary people had the oppurtunity to move up the social ladder. Liberty in this context could mean a lot of things like freedom of expression, freedom to practice religion, free speech, ownership of land etc. Science and knowledge and free commerce liberated people and helped them break the chains of feudalism. With freedom comes responsibility. Constitutions and the rule of law are efficient only as long the people who uphold them are worthy of it. It is not difficult to misinterpret the term liberty, etc or subvert the constitution as per the will and wishes of the corrupted ones. In a democracy what is the role of the people? Is flat hierarchy or direct democracy possible?

If the number of people in a governed area, say like a village, is small, it is possible to imagine direct participation of people in management of all the affairs that touch their lives – provided there are no feudal landlords, and people are capable of ordering their own affairs . But as the area increases and includes towns and cities and states, and includes people from diverse walks of life, management gets complex and hence the need for experts and departments and institutions. It is not possible for everyone to keep track of everything in a society. Majority of the people are busy with managing their families and earning their livelihood. People can neither be complacent and leave everything in the hands of bureaucrats, nor can millions of people micromanage or impose their opinion in every affair. Balancing act will be to obey the laws as well as keep themselves informed of public affairs and hold elected officials accountable and protest and demand change when it is necessary. In the past few years one can see the impact of social media on politics. Just like fire, social media requires prudent usage. It has brought people closer and has made communication quick and easy. It is easy to learn about other cultures, others’ point of views, etc (  positive impacts and potential ).   Sometimes free speech and freedom of expression are producing unpleasant and undesirable effects in the society.

Direct democracy via social media can be nightmare since people get triggered by tweets or posts with incomplete information, and people are not able to distinguish between genuine and fake news. Twitter trials are nothing but digital lynchings. Meaningful contribution to the society requires identifying concrete problems in our societies and arriving at suitable solutions and implementing the solutions. Social media and internet can be modern day gladiator arena or a source of intoxication which keeps providing addidictive options just like gambling or a place where endless discussions & debates lead nowhere. Or these could be tools that can empower people by educating them and help them make informed decisions and solve important issues – which can eventually create true democracies that are by the people of the people and for the people. Democracy requires people to work offline as well.

I was an individual who started observing the world via internet approx 10 years ago and only recently has experienced the taste of digital activism when I realised my voice is reaching the power. Even I am learning more about democracy and its potential. I can see two democratic countries – India and America. In India before the arrival of internet, it was not possible for me to know about the world. Most of the 24/7 news channels cant provide window to many important global and national issues. May be this true for majority of the countries. Internet provides the freedom to look for information. In a democracy like India, people dont appreciate corruption and many more issues, but dont know how to tackle it collectively. It seems as if people are relying on few authorities and cant dare and forge new paths. Family politics is like a mirror image of the monarchies with some politicians imagining themselves to be rulers. Ordinary people dont think of involving in politics and used to brush it aside as sewage. There is constitution, but most of the people dont quote constitution. When I look at USA it seems as if people can question their elected representatives and have options to actively participate in community related affairs. Yet, American politics revolves around partisanship and identity politics.

While I had the oppurtunity to know more about the world around me when I was living in Europe, I didnt have options to actively participate in the local democracy. People voted  in elections and were mostly worried about immigrants taking away jobs and islamic terrorism. Wish there were mechanisms which promoted dialogue between locals and immigrants. As an individual I can mingle with locals and explain my point of view and as individuals locals are friendly, but the collective fear doesnt just go away on its own. Laws are vital and can help control crimes and abuses. In some cases laws can be used to fill the prisons or charge and punish innocent people. Laws are essential but laws alone are not sufficient in any society. Laws cant interfere in personal choices made by people. Laws cant alleviate the fear of the “other”, or cant forge unity or provide economic security.

Abraham Lincoln’s quotes: 

“Don’t interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties. And not to Democrats alone do I make this appeal, but to all who love these great and true principles.” 

“The people — the people — are the rightful masters of both congresses, and courts — not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.” 

“Of our political revolution of ’76, we all are justly proud. It has given us a degree of political freedom, far exceeding that of any other nation of the earth. In it the world has found a solution of the long mooted problem, as to the capability of man to govern himself. In it was the germ which has vegetated, and still is to grow and expand into the universal liberty of mankind.” 

“The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves — in their separate, and individual capacities.” 

“The world has never had a good definition of the word liberty, and the American people, just now, are much in want of one. We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing.”

Looking at the global reach of the social media where people from all over the world are connnected through digital devices, countries can no longer be content with their own safety nets. What is illegal in one country could be legal elsewhere and internet and space dont have any borders. Considering the future cyber warfare or space/AI warfare possibilities, may be it is necessary to come up with certain global treaties on future warfares and weapons. It is interesting to note that there are international laws and international court which are not able to globally uphold human rights or prevent war crimes. 

To quote Abraham Lincoln:  “When the conduct of men is designed to be influenced, persuasion, kind, unassuming persuasion, should ever be adopted. It is an old and a true maxim, that a “drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of gall.” “

“Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. Point out to them how the nominal winner is often a real loser — in fees, expenses, and waste of time. As a peacemaker the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough.”

I never got involved in politics, but I was inspired by President Barack Obama’s speeches and the townhall meetings he conducted with young people all over the world. I read his book “Dreams from my father” which helped me understand his background as a community organizer. He was trying to promote co-operation among nations and races and was against war and surveillance. There might be many other politicians who are addressing similar issues, but I dont know much about others. I was struggling to find my place in the globalized world and his books and speeches had answers for many of my questions.

August 27 2019:

Colonialism – My understanding is that it was a necessary evil unleashed for the sake of improving lives of everyone on this globe. The ones who had superior weapons were used to transfer wealth from the countries which were plagued by internal conflicts and wars. The wealth was used to fuel innovation and industrial revolution and the rest of the world is benefiting from those innovations. According to the master plan for human race – any race or any country could be used for the execution of such plan depending on the strengths and weaknesses (which are not necessarily static) at any particular time. I dont see any point in attaching superiority to those who conquered others – considering the fact that they could have ( unknowingly ) played the role as per the master plan. Humiliation attached to slavery may linger within every race on this earth. When Egypt was flourishing – coloured people were superior, and in the colonial era, whites were considered superior. There is no guarantee that the roles wont be reversed in the master-slave relationship – again according to the needs and constraints at any given time in the history of the human race. These statements are made neither to glorify conquerors & wars nor slavery, but to identify the purpose of such tools and decide if it is necessary to carry on certain practices. ( or to help shed the cocoon within which the human race was evolving and give wings to the collective human potential ).

Knowledge:  All across the human race there are individuals who are in pursuit of knowledge. It is difficult to believe that only certain group of people can inherit intelligence by birth. If that is the case then some of the cave men should have lived differently. The fact that cave men and women evolved gradually and collectively proves that knowledge is acquired by trial and error efforts and that the veils of ignorance gets dropped iteratively in every age of civilization. When the living conditions were harsh it is possible that the ones who were in pursuit of knowledge ( full time) came up with protective measures – to guard themselves and transmit the knowledge to the future generations. Only in the digital age information spreads across the world rapidly but if we are to visualize the conditions before the invention of written language, it makes sense that only few could afford the time to learn to read and write and memorize treasure troves of knowledge. Noble minds in this group would have aimed at spreading knowledge across the globe. Even today everyone can’t grasp Einstein’s theories. But Knowledge which is beneficial for individuals and societies must be shared and not hoarded. Sharing the knowledge of agriculture has benefitted the whole world. If everyone were in pursuit of knowledge or were aiming to renounce the world and become monks like Buddha, the world would not have evolved as there was need for people to perform various essential tasks in the society.

So while appreciating the pioneers it is also essential to recognise the contribution of those who were shedding blood, sweat and tears and were holding the weight of the civilization on their shoulders. Hierarchy is also a necessary tool for humankind. If there was no hierarchy, tribal way of living could have continued and all the accomplishments of human race would not be possible. When two tribes were in conflict it is possible that the powerful one destroyed or enslaved the weaker one. This could be the origin of slavery. May be the distrust in the other captured group might have lead to segregation based on birth. May be professional strategies were passed orally to the descendants and hence the segregation based on professions. This could explain explicit caste system in India  ( and implicit global class system ?). Hierarchy in any society is unavoidable just like the hierarchy in any bigger organization with numerous individuals playing various roles.  But people dont inherit professions or knowledge by birth anymore and hence it is essential to shed the discrimination based on birth, and ensure upward mobility for everyone. For example, those who are in military and security forces would be kshatriyas and those who are in business are all vaishyas. Anyone who has the free time to read religious scriptures and has the perseverence to practice meditation, prayer etc will attain spritual enlightenment. Inheritance of caste by birth is an outdated notion.

The ones who bear the brunt are those who are at the bottom rungs of the society – who do those jobs that are hard / disgusting for others. Everyone goes through their own share of trials and tribulations but the socially shunned groups suffer psychologically as well. Does this make the rest of the society lazy and cruel? – yes – if apathy and superiority complex numbs the fact that the privileged position is relative and is sustained at the expense of the ignorant or helpless group of people. May be members of any section of the society should be ready to undertake all sorts of jobs and upward social mobility must be ensured along with appropriate social recognition. Given the inertia in human nature and the inequality that prevails all over the world, it is not possible to switch to socialism as that of the Western European countries – where workers are ensured decent wages and standard of living, and education and healthcare is of good quality for everyone in the country. But can the wealthier European nations sustain such a system on their own without depending on USA  (ie capitalism) for business and the third world countries for resources and cheap labour? – May be some global upgrade, maintenance and repair work is needed periodically in our societies along with launching of satellites and dreams of space tourism and colonizing Mars. Resentments accumulated in the name of wars and colonialism and slavery need to be addressed along with the fear and disgust for the “other”. It is necessary to forgive and stop the vicious cycle of violence and abuse.

August 25 2019:  I am not sure if my digital activities are linked to nationalism in India in the past few days. (I am sure higher authorities in India know what they are doing, but I wonder how come big decisions are made in this manner.) Nationalism around the time of independence struggle is different from the one that is promoted by some fringe groups these days. It is true that I moved out of Europe and wanted to do something meaningful in India. It was a time marked by economic difficulties in Europe along with the xenophobia triggered by terrorism. But I had learnt much more in the past few years after returning to India – which includes the idea behind global progress and welfare, and idea of America which is land of immigrants and the benefits of capitalism. I am understanding why outsourcing is done – may be to help the third world countries or right wrong done in the name of colonialism- and in this process there is certain amount of suffering borne by some Western countries. I understand the effort that is being made by some western and eastern  countries to  promote peace . But I feel that the third world countries need fair oppurtunities to grow and prosper so that poverty,  exploitation , malnutrition etc can be eradicated. I am not sure what prevented such equality among nations – could be the fear of lack of natural resources or fear of domination by coloured people or belief in any outdated rigid social hierarchies. Either we – nations on this tiny earth, succeed together or fail together.

Perspectives February 2012: Citizenship in a Globalized world – YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aF7_GK-5VRw

Drafted around mid 2016 and is incomplete ….in progress ….

How come India is functioning as one democratic nation with so much diversity? I used to think India is somewhat similar to EU. In India we have states and in EU there are nations. Why is there so much chaos in Europe now?

In India too, some states are prosperous than others. Hindus are approx. 70% and the rest includes other religions including Islam, Christianity and Sikhism. If political parties do not create dramas, people forget the religious divisions and co-exist in peace, more Tamil people might have learnt hindi.

This is a land of contrasts. Ambani builds costliest home in the world in the same city where there is a slum with pathetic living conditions. Baby girls were/ are killed while there are women who had served as Prime minister, President, Chief ministers. I remember muslims sharing Biryani with us, while christians share cake during christmas. Inter-caste and inter-religious marriages are accepted, while honour killings are taking place. Women have equal right in properties, but patriarchy is the norm. While women are progressing, there are gang rapes in news frequently. Corruption is there, yet the country is progressing. Saibaba is a muslim saint worshipped by Hindus. How to view this country?

I am Tamilian, yet I am Indian. I do not feel threatened when I watch movies in Hindi, English, Malayalam or even Danish videos. (Am I ignorant / naive?)  I am not going to forget my mother tongue, but I gained more by learning other languages. There are so many English medium schools, yet all regional languages are surviving. It is true that the new language open windows to a new culture and thereby indirectly influence the lifestyle. When I saw the serial ‘Friends’ long long ago when I was young, I felt the local culture is suffocating. It is another story that my views took a u-turn after few years. It is true that after opening doors to star network and HBO, young were/are influenced by western culture. After watching lot of videos on ‘equality’, I refuse to accept ill treatment. But isn’t it true that people try to imitate the culture of those who are perceived to be superior. How come vikings ceased to be vikings? Shouldn’t they wear those viking hats and build viking ships and invade neighboring nations? Idli is a form of Indonesian food that was introduced in Tamilnadu long time ago. Now most of the people wont know the history. Even one or two generations back, rice was not everyday food. When it comes to dress, salwar kameez is nothing dravidian. If we have to live a life holding on to our traditions without learning anything new, without the flexibility to adapt something new which might be beneficial, there wont be any civilizations, but small groups of hunters and gatherers scattered across the globe like small group of gorillas and chimpanzees.

Even in companies, people resist change. But, change invades us every now and then. How did all of the countries in Europe convert to Christianity? What convinced them to abandon their traditional worship? According to history, the countries who invaded / conquered others, destroyed the local culture and imposed foreign language, religion, and may be lifestyles? Even in the last century, there were cases where the army men were impregnating captured women. India, Persia & Turkey are what I remember as the cases where invasions had destroyed local culture and thereby self-confidence and respect for their own culture.


It is amazing to see how a policy can reach grass root level – unfortunately a controversial one. It is surprising to know that people can find out who is slaughtering cow and who is storing beef in refrigerator, and that they can kill . Hindus had gratitude towards cows because they were providing them milk and were helping farmers in sustaining their livelihood. Where are the noble values promoted in Hinduism? Leo Tolstoy who lived somewhere in another country and was born in an aristocratic family had better understanding of the principles of Hinduism or those noble values that originated from India. No one seems to bother about the corruption which is pulling the country down. It is a pity to see how power and human resources at grass-root level are misused and wasted.

Obama: Race and relationships, Community organizing / grassroots mobilization for social change

BARACK OBAMA – THE LOST INTERVIEW 1994 – YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vxtg0qdS5Yo

Barack Obama on Connie Martinson Talks Books – YouTube

A young Barack Obama discusses his memoir “Dreams from My Father” in this 1995 interview.

Extract from “Dreams from my father” by Barack Obama:

This collective history, this past, directly touches my own……because the underlying struggle – between worlds of plenty and worlds of want; between the modern and the ancient; between those who embrace our teeming, colliding, irksome diversity, while still insisting on a set of values that binds us together, and those who would seek, under whatever flag or slogan or sacred text, a certainty and simplification that justifies cruely toward those not like us – is the struggle set forth, on a miniature scale, in this book. I know, I have seen, the desperation and disorder of the powerless: how it twists the lives of children on the streets of Jakarta or Nairobi in much the same way as it does the lives of children on Chicago’s South Side, how narrow the path is for them between humiliation and untrammeled fury, how easily they slip into violence and despair. I know that the response of the powerful to this disorder – alternating as it does between a dull complacency and, when then disorder spills out of its proscribed confines, a steady, unthinking application of force, of longer prison sentences and more sophisticated military hardware – is inadequate to the task. I know that the hardening of lines, the embrace of fundmentalism and tribe, dooms us all. And so what was a more interior, intimate effort on my part to understand this struggle and to find my place in it, has converged with a broader public debate, a debate in which I am professionally engaged, one that will shape our lives and the lives of our children for many years to come. The policy implications of all this are a topic for another book…….


… ..my father remained a myth to me, both more and less than a man. He had left Hawaii back in 1963, when I was only two years old, so that as a child I knew him only through the stories that my mother and grandparents told…….He was an African, I would learn, a Kenyan of the Luo tribe, born on the shores of Lake Victoria in a place called Alego. The village was poor, but his father – my other grandfather, Hussein Onyango Obama – had been a prominent farmer, en elder of the tribe, a medicine man with healing powers. My father grew up herding his father’s goats and attending local school, set up by the British colonial administration, where he had shown great promise. He eventually won a scholarship to study in Nairobi; and then, on the eve of Kenyan independence, he had been selected by Kenyan leaders and American sponsors to attend a university in the United States, joining the first large wave of Africans to be sent forth to master Western technology and bring it back to forge a new, modern Africa.

In 1959, at the age of twenty-three, he arrived at the University of Hawaii as that institution’s first African student. He studied econometrics, worked with unsurpassed concentration, and graduated in three years at the top of his class. His friends were legion, and he helped organize the International Students Association, of which he became the first president. In a Russian language course, he met an awkward, shy American girl, only eighteen, and they fell in love. The girl’s parents, wary at first, were won over by his charm and intellect; the young couple married and she bore them a son, to whom he bequeathed hs name. He won another scholarship – this time to pursue his Ph.D at Harvard – but not the money to take his new family with him. A separation occurred, and he returned to Africa to fulfill his promise to the continent. The mother and the child stayed behind, but the bond of love survived the distances…..

……. And yet it wasn’t until 1967- the year I celebrated my sixth birthday and Jimi Hendrix performed at Monterey, three years after Dr.King received Nobel Peace Prize, a time when America had already begun to weary of black demands for equality, the problem of discrimination presumably solved – that the Supreme Court of the United States would get around to telling the state of Virginia that its ban on interracial marriages violated the Constitution. In 1960, the year that my parents were married, miscegenation still described a felony in over half the states in the Union. In many parts of the South, my father could have been strung up from the tree for merely looking at my mother the wrong way; in the most sophisticated of northern cities, the hostile stares, the whispers, might have driven a woman in my mother’s predicament into a back-alley abortion – or at the very least to a distant convent that could arrange for adoption. Their very image together would have been considered lurid and perverse, a handy retort to the handful of softheaded liberls who supported a civil rights agenda.  Sure – but would you let your daughter marry one?

The fact that my grandparents had answered yes to this question, no matter how grudgingly, remains an enduring puzzle to me. There was nothing in their background to predict such a response, no New England transcendentalists or wild-eyed socialists in their family tree. True, Kansas had fought on the Union side of the Civil War; Gramps liked to remind me that various strands of the family contained ardent abolitionists. If asked, Toot would turn her head in profile to show off her beaked nose, which, along with a pair of jet-black eyes, was offered as proof of Cherokee blood. But an old, sepia-toned photograph on the bookshelf spoke most eloquently of their roots. It showed Toot’s grandparents, of Scottish and English stock, standing in front of a ramshackle homestead, unsmiling and dressed in coarse wool, their eyes squinting at the sun-baked, flinty life that stretched out before them…….


” This was it, I thought to myself. My inheritence. I rearranged the letters in a neat stack and set them under the registry book. Then I went into the backyard. Standing before the two graves, I felt everything around me – the cornfields, the mango tree, the sky – closing in, until I was left with only a series of mental images, Granny’s stories come to life.  I see my grandfather, standing before his father’s hut, a wiry, grim-faced boy, almost ridiculous in his oversized trousers and his button-less shirt.I watch his father turn away from him and hear his brothers laugh. I feel the heat pour down his brow, the knots forming in his limbs, the sudden jump in his heart. And as his figure turns and starts back down the road of the red earth, I know that for him the path of his life is now altered irreversibly, completely. He will have to reinvent himself in this arid, solitary place. Through force of will, he will create a life out of scraps of an unknown world, and the memories of a world rendered obsolete. And yet, as he sits alone in a freshly scrubbed hut, an old man now with milky eyes, I know that he still hears his fathers and brothers laughing behind him. He still  hears the clipped voice of a British captain, explaining for the third and last time the correct proportion of tonic to gin. The nerves in the old man’s neck tighten, the rage builds – he grabs his stick to hit at something, anything. Until finally his grip weakens with the realization that for all the powers in his hands and the force of his will, the laughter, the rebukes, will outlast him. His body goes slack in the chair. He knows that he will not outlive a mocking fate. He waits to die, alone.

The picture fades, replaced by the image of a nine-year-old-boy- my father. He’s hungry, tired, clinging to his sister’s hands, searching for the mother he’s lost. The hunger is too much for him, the exhaustion too great; until finally the slender line that holds him to his mother snaps, sending her image to float down, down into the emptiness. The boy starts to cry; he shakes off his sister’s hand. He wants to go home, he shouts, back to his father’s house. He will find a new mother. He will lose himself in games and learn the power of his mind.  But he won’t forget the desperation of that day. Twelve years later, at his narrow desk, he will glance up from a stack of forms toward the restless sky and feel the same panic return. He too, will have to invent himself. His boss is out of his office; he sets the forms aside and from an old file cabinet pulls out a list of addresses. He yanks the typewriter toward him and begins to type, letter after letter after letter, typing the envelopes, sealing the letters like messages in bottles that will drop through a post office slot into a vast ocean and perhaps allow him to escape the island of his father’s shame.

How lucky he must have felt when his ship came sailing in! He must have known, when that letter came from Hawaii, that he had been chosen after all; that he possessed the grace of his name, the baraka, the blessings of God. With the degree, the ascot, the American wife, the car, the words, the figures, the wallet, the proper proportion of tonic to gin, the polish, the panache, the entire thing seamless and natural, without the cobbled-together, haphzard quality of an earlier time – what could stand in his way? He had almost succeeded, in a way his own father never have hoped for. And then, after seeming to travel so far, to discover that he had not escaped after all! To discover that he remained trapped on his father’s island, with its fissures of anger and doubt and defeat, the emotions still visible beneath the surface, hot and molten and alive, like a wicked, yawning mouth, and his mother gone, gone, away….

I dropped to the ground and swept my hand across the smooth yellow tile. Oh, Father, I cried. There was no shame in your confusion. Just as there had been no shame in your father’s before you. No shame in the fear, or in the fear of his father before him. There was only shame in the silence fear had produced. It was the silence that betrayed us. If it weren’t for that silence, your grandfather might have told your father that he could never escape himself, or re-create himself alone. Your father might have taught those same lessons to you. And you, the son, might have taught your father that this new world that was beckoning all of you involved more than just railroads and indoor toilets and irrigation ditches and gramophones, lifeless instruments that could be absorbed into the old ways. You might have told him that these instruments carried with them a dangerous power, that they demanded a different way of seeing the world. That this power could be absorbed only alongside a faith born out of hardship, a faith that wasn’t new, that wasn’t black or white or Christian or Muslim but that pulsed in the heart of the first African village and then the first Kansas homestead – a faith in other people.

The silence killed your faith. And for lack of faith you clung to both too much and too little of your past. Too much of its rigidness, its suspicions, its male cruelties. Too little of the laughter in Granny’s voice, the pleasures of company while herding the goats, the murmur of the market, the stories around the fire. The loyalty that could make up for a lack of airplanes or rifles. Words of encouragement. An embrace. A strong, true love. For all your gifts – the quick mind, the powers of concentration, the charm – you could never forge yourself into a whole man by leaving those things behind….

For a long time I sat between the two graves and wept. When my tears were finally spent, I felt a calmness wash over me. I felt the circle finally close. I realized that who I was, what I cared about, was no longer just a matter of intellect or obligation, no longer a construct of words. I saw that my life in America – the black life, the white life, the sense of abandonment I’d felt as a boy, the frustration and hope I’d witnessed in Chicago – all of it was connected with this small plot of earth an ocean away, connected by more than the accident of a name or color of my skin. The pain I felt was my father’s pain. My questions were my brother’s questions. Their struggle, my birthright.”

( extract from epilogue ) …

That evening, I asked Auma if she knew of any good books on the Luo, and she suggested we go visit a former history teacher of hers, a tall, willowy woman named Dr. Rukia Odero, who had been a friend of the Old Man’s. When we arrived at her house, Dr.Odero was about to sit down for dinner, and she insisted that we join her. Over a meal of tilapia and ugali, the professor insisted that I call her Rukia, and then asked me about my impressions of the country. Had I been disappointed? she wondered. I told her that I hadn’t, although I was leaving with as many questions as answers.

“That’s good”, Rukia said, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. “That’s how we historians make a living, you know. All day long we sit, trying to find new questions. It can be very tiresome, actually. It requires the temperament for mischief. You know, young black Americans tend to romaticize Africa so. When your father and I were young, it was just the opposite – we expected to find all the answers in America. Harlem. Chicago. Langston Hughes and James Baldwin. That’s where we drew our inspiration. And the Kennedys – they were very popular. The chance to study in America was very important. A hopeful time. Of course, when we returned we realized that our education did not always serve us so well. Or the people who had sent us. There was all this messy history to deal with.”

I asked her why she thought black Americans were prone to disappointment when they visited Africa. She shook her head and smiled. “Because they come here looking for the authentic”, she said. “That is bound to disappoint a person. Look at this meal we are eating. Many people will tell you that the Luo are fish-eating people. But that was not true for all Luo. Only those who lived by the lake. And even for those Luo, it was not always true. Before they settled around the lake, they were pastoralists, like the Masai. Now, if you and your sister behave yourself and eat a proper share of this food, I will offer you tea. Kenyans are very boastful about the quality of their tea, you notice. But of course we got this habit from the English. Our ancestors did not drink such a thing. Then there are spices we used to cook this fish. They originally came from India, or Indonesia. So even in this simple meal, you will find it very difficult to be authentic – although the meal is certainly African.”

Rukia rolled a ball of ugali in her hand and dipped it into her stew. “You can hardly blame black Americans, of course, for wanting an unblemished past. After the cruelties they’ve suffered – still suffer, from what I read in the newspapers. They are not unique in this desire. The European wants the same thing. The Germans, the English… they all claim Athens and Rome as their own, when, in fact, their ancestors helped destroy classical culture. But that happened so long ago, so their task is easier. In their schools, you rarely hear about the misery of European peasants throughout most of recorded history. The corruption and exploitation of the Industrial Revolution, the senseless tribal wars – it is shameful how the Europeans treated their own, much less colored peoples. So this idea about a golden age in Africa, before the white man came, seems only natural.”

“A corrective”, Auma said.

“Truth is usually the best corrective,” Rukia said with a smile. “You know, sometimes I think the worst thing that colonialism did was cloud our view of our past. Without the white man, we might be able to make better use of our history. We might look at some of our former practices and decide they are worth preserving. Others, we might grow out of. Unfortunately, the white man has made us very defensive. We end up clinging to all sorts of things that have outlived their usefulness. Polygamy. Collective land ownership. These things worked well in their time, but now they most often become tools for abuse. By men. By governments. And yet, if you say these things, you have been infected by Western idealogy.”

“So how should we adapt?” Auma said.

Rukia shrugged. “I leave such answers up to policy makers. I’m only a historian. But I suspect that we can’t pretend that the contradictions of our situation don’t exist. All we can do is choose. For example, female circumcision is an important Kikuyu custom. With the Masai also. To a modern sensibility, it is barbaric. Perhaps we could arrange to have all these operations performed in hospitals and cut down on the death rate. Keep the bleeding to the minimum. ( Note: conversation takes place in Africa ). But you cannot really have a half circumcision. This leaves no one satisfied. So we must choose. The same is true of the rule of law, the notion of independent inquiry – these things may conflict with tribal loyalties. You cannot have rule of law and then exempt certain members of your clan. What to do? Again you choose. If you make wrong choice, then you learn from your mistakes. You see what works.”

I licked my fingers and washed my hands. “But isn’t there anything left that is truly African?”

“Ah, that is the thing, isn’t it? Rukia said. “There does seem to be something different about this place. I don’t know what it is. Perhaps the African, having traveled so far so fast, has a unique perspective on time. Or maybe it is that we have known more suffering than most. Maybe it’s just the land. I don’t know. May be I am also the romantic. I know that I cannot stay away from here too long. People still talk to each other here. When I visit the States, it seems a very lonely place – “………”My daughter she has no use for night runners. You know her first language is not Luo. Not even Swahili. It is English. When I listen to her talk with her friends, it sounds like gibberish to me. They take bits and pieces of everything – English, Swahili, German, Luo. Sometimes, I get fed up with this. Learn to speak one language properly, I tell them”. Rukia laughed to herself. “But I am beginning to resign myself – there’s nothing really to do. They live in a mixed-up world. It’s just as well, I suppose. In the end, I’m less interested in a daughter who’s authentically African than one who is authentically herself.”

Love, Barack

Barack Obama: “A More Perfect Union” (Philadelphia Speech)

Full text: Obama farewell speech transcript – POLITICO https://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/full-text-obama-farewell-speech-transcript-233916 

Read the full transcript of President Obama’s farewell speech – Los Angeles Times https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-obama-farewell-speech-transcript-20170110-story.html

Interconnected individuals

Drafted around Jan/Feb 2018:

Having seen the documentaries on experiments done with collective living, i feel that it failed because it didnt offer solutions to the problems in the traditional family system. It was an experiment done for a short while where many men and women were living together under one roof. It was leading to jealousy among partners, issues around sharing economic burden and household chores, and the children lacked the security and dedicated love from the biological parents since there was no private property concept.

Before talking about sexual freedom i would like to focus on the family system which is essential after the birth of a child. A child needs emotional and material security which has considerable impact in its future life.

Too rigid traditional family systems which hang on to fixed roles and responsibilities have some problems too. In hunter gatherer societies and in agriculture based civilizations there was oppurtunity for women to work in addition to taking care of families. ( somewhat like the sparrows where both male and female take care of the young ones ) . This system at some point became like master slave relationship, where women were considered as men’s property. It took collective efforts of women and good intentioned men to acquire women’s right to vote before 100 years. After world war 2, women had entered the workforce and are making significant progress. Both the positive and negative changes didn’t happen in a very short time.

If we are to talk about equality and egalitarian societies, we need to understand if it is about looking and acting similar or if it is about cooperation of individuals with diverse characteristics – valuing everyone as their equal and appreciating their contributions as it fits the system. Left and right hands are equal but act from different directions and coordinate to accomplish tasks that are ultimately beneficial for both. Whenever a team is formed there are different roles and responsibilities to accomplish the tasks.

Once upon a time physical strength was important in labour intensive works and in defending self and the group. With machines replacing such tasks physical strength cant be considered as the most important force. Even then if someone was defending and providing – it was for their own family and community who were performing other roles to sustain life as a team – like creating and nurturing. I view the characteristics and qualities and gifts as complementary to each other. (  communicative vs quiet; intuitive vs analytical; gentle vs strong; co-operative vs competitive; receptive vs aggresive ). In today’s society there are men and women who are gentle, aggressive, competetive, cooperative, assertive, abusive, deceptive, intelligent, caring, introverts, extroverts etc etc – this is to say that human characteristics are not fitting into compartments based on gender. Even within an individual these masculine feminine qualities ( different from gender ) or in other words complementary characteristics exist which are used according to the situation. Sometimes it is an eureka moment realising that the opposite gender is just like us in many ways. Some mystery is still attached to gender differences which serve as attractive force. I had seen men who wanted to help women in household chores but will not do it in the public and women who are assertive within the home but not in the public. Some couples learn the role playing due to social conditioning while some prefer safe templates. It doesnt matter as long as they are happy and are respecting each others’ rights and are striving for harmony. Problem to be addressed is 1. Lack of appreciation and recognition for home or nurture related activites which pushes parents as well as home makers to seek options that are attached to privilege 2. The social conditioning which does not allow willing men to take care of their children and willing women to play the role of breadwinner which is reflected in the societys workforces as well. A family is an unit with two or more individuals who are of different genders. Let us say there is a widowed man who is taking care of his children or a widowed woman who is playing the role of head of family (even this required progress in the attitudes) there is no stigma attached to it. Thanks to the progress achieved in providing equal educational oppurtunities for both the genders. (much more to be done for transgenders in some countries). It is possible for women to compete and enter the workforce. These days couples opt for fewer children and a woman or man has lot of free time after the children begin schooling. Why should this change be threatening provided there is no effort to dominate on the basis of gender. There is a need for honest dialogue to know each others views and problems.

Next comes the abuse part – physical as well as verbal. If a person has the habit of using physical violence to solve (suppress and in some cases increase) problems – both social and personal – then it is essential to address the culture that glorifies violence as an answer to everyday problems. Let there be space to cherish martial arts or such stuff. But even martial arts teach to control the mind. Methods used in upbringing of children too reflect the collective culture. Unfortunately in some families there are no conversations or dialogues to understand each  other and address problems and men are yet to talk about the abuses they endure. If one should talk about problems within a family system it could be denying educational rights and economic freedom, overload of household chores, pressure to earn more to prove ones worth, denying care for children, imposed restrictions etc etc. Once a person decides to live together with someone or decide to cooperate socially there is a tradeoff – losing something to gain something else. At this point it is necessary to distinguish between necessary troubles which are undertaken willingly for the sake of running the family which serves good cause vs losing ones rights and individuality and enduring abuses. Sometimes abuses are mild and not habitual – which could be because of stress. Under a family there are different relationship dynamics – mother-son, father-daughter, mother in law-daughter in law, father-son, mother-daughter ( includes infants elders sick disabled ). There are sacrifices, frictions, mistakes as well as forgiving sharing and love.

There is need for space to talk about certian issues related to gender inequality and abuses which will be the case for men as well considering the notions of toxic masculinity and abuses faced by men. There is a need for collective effort to solve issues like this. Wish these discussions are fair and lead to healthy debate and create awareness so that problems can be solved with each others help. Using this for political witch hunt and immediate persecution without any trial will have a negative impact . If sexual abuse can break a womans career because of psychological trauma then it is not fair to do the same to others ie damaging ones career forever and shaming them.

An Individual’s needs are interconnected with that of the society directly or indirectly. There is no special garden which is going to offer surplus food for everyone and keep people away from diseases and dangers. Hence the overall needs will remain the same for any society and there is a need to give priority to addressing common issues like jobs, security, defense, education, healthcare etc. This will be the same for any society even if it has place for only one gender or one race or one religion. When there are bigger holes in this unit which could drag everyone down addressing those issues gets higher priority.

It is through trial and error we are enhancing and making our systems better. Once a particular system is accepted, it is prone to stagnation if the customs and conditions are imposed without sufficient explanation. Another problem is that certain roles break free while insisting that others cant transgress. On the other hand exploring includes learning experiences as well as risks and dangers, which can eventually make a person weary if there is no place to offer stability. One may fear that this could shake the stability of the society if the majority will abandon the traditional systems. But if the majority are trying to change then it could indicate a cyclical pattern  of  iterative progress and eventually time tested truths will withstand the wear and tear. It is somewhat like stages of human life. A child follows whatever the adults instruct – which is generally aimed at the childs wellbeing. But as an adult if there is a quest to know why things are done this way and cant find satisfying explanation, he or she learns leasons on their own and then they ultimately guide their children and pass on traditions and wisdom.

If we are to look at an individual he or she comes into this world through another man and woman and is dependent on others for many years before acquiring the capability to live independently. There is a web of relationships with a give and take mechanism and the traditional family system has survived centuries.

Nuclear power ; Artificial climate change – A warfare using electromagnetic energy

March 29 2019:

How Nuclear Energy’s Promise Was Nearly Destroyed
`Hit Men’ vs. LaRouche’s Fusion Energy Foundation

The Politics of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle

Why Indian Scientists Oppose the U.S.-India Nuclear Agreement
Nuclear Power Tops Putin’s Agenda in India

Tsunami Deaths and Damages Could Have Been Avoided, Italian Scientist Tells EIR — https://larouchepub.com/pr/2011/110401biagi_earthquakes.html

“Reactor accidents at Chernobyl and Fukushima would not have occurred if an HTR had been operating there. Meltdowns are not possible in the HTR/THTR nuclear power plants” —-  https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2013/eirv40n21-20130524/47-49_4021.pdf

Debunking the Myths About Nuclear Energy —- https://larouchepub.com/other/2007/3405_nuclear_myths.html

Russia, China, Japan To Help India with Infrastructure —- https://www.larouchepub.com/other/2014/4137india_infra_modztn.html  & West-Based NGOs Stall Indias’ Nuclear Program; But, at whose behest? —-   https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2012/eirv39n12-20120323/35-39_3912.pdf

The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: “Owning the Weather” for Military Use
—– “Weather warfare” is the ultimate WMD with the potential of destabilizing an enemy’s ecosystem, destroying its agriculture, disabling communications networks. In other words, ENMOD techniques can undermine an entire national economy, impoverish millions of people and “kill a nation” without the deployment of troops and military hardware…..
Without explicitly referring to the HAARP program, a US Air Force study points to the use of “induced ionospheric modifications” as a means of altering weather patterns as well as disrupting enemy communications and radar. (Ibid)

HAARP also has the ability of triggering blackouts and disrupting the electricity power system of entire regions……
E-Systems specializes in the production of electronic warfare equipment, navigation and reconnaissance machinery, including “highly sophisticated spying devices”:

“[E-Systems] is one of the biggest intelligence contractors in the world, doing work for the CIA, defense intelligence organizations, and others. US$1.8 billion of their annual sales are to these organizations, with $800 million for black projects-projects so secret that even the United States Congress isn’t told how the money is being spent.....

With the purchase of APTI, E-Systems acquired the strategic weather warfare technology and patent rights, including Bernard J. Eastlund’s US Patent No: 4,686,605 entitled “Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere and/or Magnetosphere”……
Barely a year following the E-Systems purchase of APTI’s weather warfare technology, E-Systems was bought out by Raytheon, the fourth largest US military contractor. Through this money-spinning acquisition, Raytheon became the largest “defense electronics” firm in the World.Meanwhile, ARCO which had sold APTI to E-Systems, had itself been acquired by the BP-AMOCO oil consortium, thereby integrating the largest oil company in the World (BP).

Raytheon through its E-Systems subsidiary now owns the patents used to develop the HAARP weather warfare facility at Gakona Alaska. Raytheon is also involved in other areas of weather research for military use, including the activities of its subsidiary in Antarctica, Raytheon Polar Services……
Under the Bush administration, the main partner of Raytheon (which owns the patents) in the construction and development stage of the HAARP antenna array, is British Aerospace Systems (BAES), which had been involved in the initial installation of the antenna array in the early 1990s.The multimillion dollar contract was granted by The Office of Naval Research to BAES in 2003, through its US subsidiary BAE Systems Advanced Technologies Inc. The contract was signed barely two months before the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq……
The committees reported that the USA is planning to test three facilities of this kind. One of them is located on the military testing ground in Alaska and its full-scale tests are to begin in early 2003. The second one is in Greenland and the third one in Norway.

“When these facilities are launched into space from Norway, Alaska and Greenland, a closed contour will be created with a truly fantastic integral potential for influencing the near-Earth medium,” the State Duma said.

The USA plans to carry out large-scale scientific experiments under the HAARP program, and not controlled by the global community, will create weapons capable of breaking radio communication lines and equipment installed on spaceships and rockets, provoke serious accidents in electricity networks and in oil and gas pipelines and have a negative impact on the mental health of people populating entire regions, the deputies said. (Interfax News Agency, original Russian, BBC Monitoring, 8 August 2002, emphasis added) …….
This advanced stage of full capacity (FIRI) corresponds to what the US Air Force has called “Owning the Weather”:

US aerospace forces [will] ‘own the weather’ by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to war-fighting applications… From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counterspace control, weather-modification offers the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary… In the United States, weather-modification will likely become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications. Our government will pursue such a policy, depending on its interests, at various levels.

(US Air Force, emphasis added. Air University of the US Air Force, AF 2025 Final Report, http://www.au.af.mil/au/2025/ ) .....

Weather patterns in North Korea, for instance, have been marked since the mid-1990s by a succession of droughts, followed by floods. The result has been the destruction of an entire agricultural system. In Cuba, the pattern is very similar to that observed in North Korea. (see Table 3)

In Iraq, Iran and Syria, a devastating drought occurred in 1999. In Afghanistan, four years of drought in the years preceding the US led invasion in 2001, have led to the destruction of the peasant economy, leading to widespread famine.

While there is no proof that these weather occurrences are the result of climatic warfare, Phillips Geophysics Lab, which is a partner in the HAARP project provides a course for military personnel at the Hanscom Air Force Base in Maryland, on “Weather Modification Techniques”. The course outline explicitly contemplates the triggering of storms, hurricanes, etc. for military use…..
Weather manipulation is the pre-emptive weapon par excellence. It can be directed against enemy countries or even “friendly nations”, without their knowledge. Weather warfare constitutes a covert form of pre-emptive war. The manipulation of climate can be used to destabilize an enemy’s economy, ecosystem and agriculture (e.g. North Korea or Cuba). Needless to say it can trigger havoc in financial and commodity markets and can potentially be used as an instrument of “insider trade” for financial gain. It has the ability of destabilizing a country’s institutions. Concurrently, the disruption in agriculture creates a greater dependency on food aid and imported grain staples from the US and other Western countries……
Triggered by the lowest rainfall (2001) in living memory, vast tracts of Iran, Uzbekistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan are being reduced to desert as the water table sinks, long-established wells dry up and herds of livestock perish…..

HAARP: Secret Weapon Used For Weather Modification, Electromagnetic Warfare —-
…For those who still doubt that such devastating secret weapons have been developed, here is an intriguing quote from an article in New Zealand’s leading newspaper, the New Zealand Herald:

“Top-secret wartime experiments were conducted off the coast of Auckland to perfect a tidal wave bomb, declassified files reveal. United States defence chiefs said that if the project had been completed before the end of the war, it could have played a role as effective as that of the atom bomb. Details of the tsunami bomb, known as Project Seal, are contained in 53-year-old documents released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.”......

Some researchers have raised questions about the possible involvement of HAARP in major disasters like the earthquake in Haiti, Indonesian tsunami, and hurricane Katrina. Could these have been HAARP experiments gone awry? Might they even have been caused by rogue elements which gained control of this devastating technology….

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/pv2/pv2?PRG=DOCPV&APP=PV2&DATE=280199&DATEF=990128&TPV=DEF&TYPEF=A4&POS=1&SDOCTA=8&TXTLST=1&Type_Doc=RESOL&PrgPrev=TYPEF@A4|PRG@QUERY|APP@PV2|FILE@BIBLIO99|NUMERO@5|YEAR@99|PLAGE@1&LANGUE=EN —– The European Parliament,  –  having regard to the motion for a resolution tabled by Mrs Rehn on the potential use of military-related resources for environmental strategies (B4-0551/95),  –  having regard to the UN study ‘Charting potential uses of resources allocated to military activities for civilian endeavours to protect the environment’, UN (A46/364, 17 September 1991),……… – having regard to the hearing on HAARP and Non-lethal Weapons held by its Foreign Affairs Subcommitee on Security and Disarmament in Brussels on 5 February 1998, ……. R.  whereas, despite the existing conventions, military research is ongoing on environmental manipulation as a weapon, as demonstrated for example by the Alaska-based HAARP system, ……..  24.   Considers HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) by virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body before any further research and testing; regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration to send anyone in person to give evidence to the public hearing or any subsequent meeting held by its competent committee into the environmental and public risks connected with the HAARP programme currently being funded in Alaska;  ….

https://www.unog.ch/enmod — The problem of artificial modification of the environment for military or other hostile purposes was brought to the international agenda in the early 1970s. In July 1974, USA and USSR agreed to hold bilateral discussions on measures to overcome the danger of the use of environmental modification techniques for military purposes and three subsequent rounds of discussions in 1974 and 1975…. …ENMOD scope: States parties undertake not to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to another State party (article I)…. ..Environmental modification technique: any technique for changing – through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes – the dynamics, composition or structure of the earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space (article II)….

ADL , Klan and DOJ : Religion and slavery

March 8 2019:

Documentary : Empire of the City – Ring of Power

1/4 – https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q8Ihlxqz4FI
2/4 – https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3XpBMiXKkHU&list=PLu04vV5s9mgz-wLWVR_A2hCYWYWnlDFEk&index=3&t=0s ( not available )
3/4 – https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pDALaP5IVRw
4/4 – https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp_W55Skb1U

Or https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2-kNXwCBkb4

Treason in America: From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman by Anton Chaitkin
Or https://www.wlym.com/archive/campaigner/8304.pdf


DOJ misconduct fuels demand for hearings https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1997/eirv24n13-19970321/eirv24n13-19970321_058-doj_misconduct_fuels_demand_for.pdf 

Morris Dees: the paradox of a ‘Klan-watcher’ by George Canning  https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1992/eirv19n35-19920904/eirv19n35-19920904_059-morris_dees_the_paradox_of_a_kla.pdf

ADL’s sordid racism and hate – https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1994/eirv21n08-19940218/eirv21n08-19940218_030-the_adls_sordid_legacy_of_racism.pdf

https://larouchepub.com/lar/2000/lar_bad_guy_2710.html …In later, related developments of 1978-1983, the evidence showed, that behind the Justice Department’s dirty glove in these matters, in addition to complicit actions by a corrupt mass news media, there was another, private hand, the hand of very powerful, but so-called unofficial private intelligence organizations, organizations which have become an integral part of corrupt operations conducted by official agencies.The array of these private intelligence organizations, is typified by the cases of the American Family Foundation (AFF)[14] and Anti-Defamation League.[15] Such private intelligence capabilities, well connected in official Washington, D.C., and also in Europe, are only typified by the late John J. McCloy’s circles, and similar, government-like capabilities, whose home-base inside the U.S.A. is certain powerful circles of “Wall Street” financial houses and the law firms with which those financial houses are associated, as typified by study of the biography of the late McCloy….. 

Who Really Runs the Justice Department? John Keeney, Mark Richard, and the DOJ Permanent Bureaucracy https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1995/eirv22n27-19950630/eirv22n27-19950630_006-who_really_runs_the_justice_depa.pdf 

Justice Department: The Corruption Is in the Permanent Bureaucracy https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1997/eirv24n18-19970425/eirv24n18-19970425_022-justice_department_the_corruptio.pdf      

Labor Leader To Follow Rabin – https://larouchepub.com/other/2005/3246israel_shift.html …As an immigrant from Morocco, Peretz is seen as a spokesman for the socially disadvantaged in Israel—the Mizrachi Jewish community (immigrants from Northern Africa and Southwest Asia), as well as new immigrants from Russia and Ethiopia. Appealing for the establishment of a common bond between Mizrachi and Ashkenazi Jews (who originated from Europe, and have been Israel’s traditional elite),   ….. The Likud has been a populist party that was able to mobilize in the poor Mizrachi community, where people felt excluded from the overbearing elitist political structure that characterized the Labor Party and its predecessors, when they controlled the government from the 1950s into the 1970s. … the Sephardim (Jews expelled from Spain and Portugal by the Inquisition), who have remained the bedrock of the Likud…. 

The Anti-Defamation League: Britain’s Zionist Gestapo https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1978/eirv05n30-19780807/eirv05n30-19780807_037-the_anti_defamation_league_brita.pdf 

The Black International: Free Enterprise and Feudalism https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1978/eirv05n30-19780807/eirv05n30-19780807_014-the_black_international_free_ent.pdf  

Knights of Malta Launch a Crusade in America https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1989/eirv16n08-19890217/eirv16n08-19890217_058-knights_of_malta_launch_a_crusad.pdf

The RothschiId roots of KKK https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1978/eirv05n39-19781010/eirv05n39-19781010_050-the_rothschild_roots_of_the_ku_k.pdf 

The Uwe Barschel Case Is a Clue to the Palme Killing https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1987/eirv14n44-19871106/eirv14n44-19871106_046-the_uwe_barschel_case_is_a_clue-lar.pdf ……For example, the original planning of the destruction of Lebanon, Iran, and other nations of the region was done by British intelligence, through channels including the SIS Arab Bureau of Sir John Bagot Glubb Pasha and his Arabist associate, Bernard Lewis, presently situated at Princeton. From the beginning, this operation was conducted in part through back-channel arrangements with Moscow, specifically with a key protege of the late Yuri Andropov, Azerbaijani Heidar Ali (a.k.a. Geidar Aliyev). The other key player, working closely with British SIS, Moscow, and Washington, was the Israeli faction associated today with Ariel Sharon, Armand Hammer, Meshulam Riklis, the U.S. AIPAC cabal, and Charles Bronfman….. When Roberto Calvi was faced with the fact, that his financial operations were integral to an effort to bankrupt the Vatican, he repented, and was placed under death sentence by the northern Scottish-Swedish Freemasonic blocs for “speaking out of tum” in telling secrets. Nonetheless, for some reason, he went to London, where he was the victim of a ritual execution at symbolic Blackfriars’ Bridge. The assumption in Italy is, that Calvi knew he was under such a death sentence, and went to London to have it carried out as a price for saving the lives of others who would have been killed had he avoided the execution. Sweden’s Prime MinisterOlof Palme came into the picture in two ways. First, as prime minister of Sweden, he was situated amidst the Iran weapons-trafficking by the network of both Soviet, and Swedish, Hamburg, Bremen, and Lon­ don wings of the weapons-traffickers. Second, he was a key figure in a commission formed in the effort to bring the protracted Iran-Iraq war to an end…….. Calvi, Palme, and Barschel are only three notable figures on a long list of mysterious deaths which have occurred since the Malmo, Sweden office of Karl-Erik-Schmitz was raided……

Cabalism, Slavery, and the B’nai B’rith: https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1993/eirv20n28-19930723/eirv20n28-19930723_064-cabalism_slavery_and_the_bnai_br.pdf

https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1984/eirv11n19-19840515/eirv11n19-19840515_055-book_review.pdf …Digging up America’s history The United States of America is but 208 years old, and yet its real history lies buried as if under the shifting sands of ancient Egypt.Treason in America is the work of an archaeologist unearthing the secrets of the past. There is a good reason for this murkiness of the American past, to which Chaitkin alludes repeatedly: The treason of Aaron Burr and Benedict Arnold, of the Boston Brahmins, of the Scottish Freemasons, is compounded in the work of the modem media and the “revisionist historians”-Chaltkin names Charles Beard, Walter Lippmann, Arthur Schlesinger. The history books our children read today in high school (even the history books you read in your day in high school) censor the central fact of the founding and perpetuation of the American republic: The American System of political economy versus the “free enterprise” feudalism of the European oligarchy.America’s battles against Britain in the Revolution, in the War of 1812, and in the Civil War, were precisely the battle between the American program of nation­ building around industrial development and the British (and Swiss and Venetian) program of looting the raw materials and human potential, physical and mental, of the world. The battIe between those economic systems is also the battle between the political systems they imply: democratic republicanism which promotes industrial development, and feudal oligarchism in which “free enterprise” flourishes. That this is the best-kept secret in America today can be proven by looking at the condition of most contemporary American patriots.Probably the vast majority of Americans, and even some politicans, want to be patriotic.Unfortunately, they have no idea how to be.They don’t know the founding ideas of the republic, they don’t understand what differentiates the United States, really, from the monarchical, or parliamentary, or tyrannical powers of the Old World. For example.What American conservatives conceive to be “patriotism”- namely, free enterprise-is in fact treason……

  The Uwe Barschel Case Is a Clue to the Palme Killing https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1987/eirv14n44-19871106/eirv14n44-19871106_046-the_uwe_barschel_case_is_a_clue-lar.pdf   ……For example, the original planning of the destruction of Lebanon, Iran, and other nations of the region was done by British intelligence, through channels including the SIS Arab Bureau of Sir John Bagot Glubb Pasha and his Arabist associate, Bernard Lewis, presently situated at Princeton. From the beginning, this operation was conducted in part through back-channel arrangements with Moscow, specifically with a key protege of the late Yuri Andropov, Azerbaijani Heidar Ali (a.k.a. Geidar Aliyev). The other key player, working closely with British SIS, Moscow, and Washington, was the Israeli faction associated today with Ariel Sharon, Armand Hammer, Meshulam Riklis, the U.S. AIPAC cabal, and Charles Bronfman….. When Roberto Calvi was faced with the fact, that his financial operations were integral to an effort to bankrupt the Vatican, he repented, and was placed under death sentence by the northern Scottish-Swedish Freemasonic blocs for “speaking out of tum” in telling secrets. Nonetheless, for some reason, he went to London, where he was the victim of a ritual execution at symbolic Blackfriars’ Bridge. The assumption in Italy is, that Calvi knew he was under such a death sentence, and went to London to have it carried out as a price for saving the lives of others who would have been killed had he avoided the execution. Sweden’s Prime MinisterOlof Palme came into the picture in two ways. First, as prime minister of Sweden, he was situated amidst the Iran weapons-trafficking by the network of both Soviet, and Swedish, Hamburg, Bremen, and Lon­ don wings of the weapons-traffickers. Second, he was a key figure in a commission formed in the effort to bring the protracted Iran-Iraq war to an end…….. Calvi, Palme, and Barschel are only three notable figures on a long list of mysterious deaths which have occurred since the Malmo, Sweden office of Karl-Erik-Schmitz was raided…… 

James Baldwin: Letter from a Region in My Mind

Evolution of the society: Priests, kings, traders and the rest of the population —-written on 1898 [ note: the term shudra in this article will translate to the oppressed / enslaved / working class / those who are at the bottom rungs of the hierarchy carrying the entire weight of the society on their shoulders ] http://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_4/translation_prose/modern_india.htm

[ India and England — http://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_5/interviews/india_and_england.htm
America — http://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_6/epistles_second_series/041_shashi.htm

The solution is not by bringing down the higher, but by raising the lower up to the level of the higher. ]

…Now commanding the king to be engaged in affairs fraught with death and ruin, now standing by him as his fastest friend with kind and wise counsels, now spreading the net of subtle, diplomatic statesmanship in which the king is easily caught — the priest is seen, oftentimes, to make the royal power totally subservient to him. Above all, the worst fear is in the knowledge that the name and fame of the royal forefathers and of himself and his family lie at the mercy of the priest’s pen. He is the historian. The king might have paramount power; attaining a great glory in his reign, he might prove himself as the father and mother in one to his subjects; but if the priest is not appeased, his sun of glory goes down with his last breath for ever;…. ….Neither under the Hindu kings, nor under the Buddhist rule, do we find the common subject-people taking any part in expressing their voice in the affairs of the State….  ….but as a recognised rule of the State they have no direct voice in the supreme government. The power of the populace is struggling to express itself in indirect and disorderly ways without any method. The people have not as yet the conscious knowledge of the existence of this power. There is neither the attempt on their part to organise it into a united action, nor have they got the will to do so; there is also a complete absence of that capacity, that skill, by means of which small and incoherent centres of force are united together, creating insuperable strength as their resultant…. ….Is this due to want of proper laws? — no, that is not it. There are laws, there are methods, separately and distinctly assigned for the guidance of different departments of government, there are laws laid down in the minutest detail for everything, such as the collection of revenue, the management of the army, the administration of justice, punishments and rewards. But at the root of all, is the injunction of the Rishi — the word of divine authority, the revelation of God coming through the inspired Rishi. The laws have, it can almost be said, no elasticity in them. Under the circumstances, it is never possible for the people to acquire any sort of education by which they can learn to combine among themselves and be united for the accomplishment of any object for the common good of the people, or by which they can have the concerted intellect to conceive the idea of popular right in the treasures collected by the king from his subjects, or even such education by which they can be fired with the aspiration to gain the right of representation in the control of State revenues and expenditure. Why should they do such things? Is not the inspiration of the Rishi responsible for their prosperity and progress? ….. ….Again, all those laws are in books. Between laws as codified in books and their operation in practical life, there is a world of difference. One Ramachandra is born after thousands of Agnivarnas pass away! Many kings show us the life of Chandâshoka; Dharmâshokas are rare! …. …Even if the kings be of as godlike nature as that of Yudhishthira, Ramachandra, Dharmashoka, or Akbar under whose benign rule the people enjoyed safety and prosperity, and were looked after with paternal care by their rulers, the hand of him who is always fed by another gradually loses the power of taking the food to his mouth. His power of self-preservation can never become fully manifest who is always protected in every respect by another. Even the strongest youth remains but a child if he is always looked after as a child by his parents. Being always governed by kings of godlike nature, to whom is left the whole duty of protecting and providing for the people, they can never get any occasion for understanding the principles of self-government. Such a nation, being entirely dependent on the king for everything and never caring to exert itself for the common good or for self-defence, becomes gradually destitute of inherent energy and strength. If this state of dependence and protection continues long, it becomes the cause of the destruction of the nation, and its ruin is not far to seek.  Of course, it can be reasonably concluded that, when the government a country, is guided by codes of laws enjoined by Shâstras which are the outcome of knowledge inspired by the divine genius of great sages, such a government must lead to the unbroken welfare of the rich and the poor, the wise and the ignorant, the king and the subjects alike. But we have seen already how far the operation of those laws was, or may be, possible in practical life. The voice of the ruled in the government of their land — which is the watchword of the modern Western world, and of which the last expression has been echoed with a thundering voice in the Declaration of the American Government, in the words, “That the government of the people of this country must be by the people and for the good of the people” — cannot however be said to have been totally unrecognised in ancient India. The Greek travellers and others saw many independent small States scattered all over this country, and references are also found to this effect in many places of the Buddhistic literature. And there cannot be the least doubt about it that the germ of self-government was at least present in the shape of the village Panchâyat, (Literally, “government by five”, in which the village-men sit together and decide among themselves, all disputes.) which is still to be found in existence in many places of India. But the germ remained for ever the germ; the seed though put in the ground never grew into a tree. This idea of self-government never passed beyond the embryo state of the village Panchayat system and never spread into society at large…… …In the religious communities, among Sannyasins in the Buddhist monasteries, we have ample evidence to show that self-government was fully developed. Even now, one wonders to see how the power of the Panchayat system of the principles of self-government, is working amongst the Nâgâ Sannyasins — what deep respect the “Government by the Five” commands from them, what effective individual rights each Naga can exercise within his own sect, what excellent working of the power of organisation and concerted action they have among themselves!  With the deluge which swept the land at the advent of Buddhism, the priestly power fell into decay and the royal power was in the ascendant. Buddhist priests are renouncers of the world, living in monasteries as homeless ascetics, unconcerned with secular affairs. They have neither the will nor the endeavour to bring and keep the royal power under their control through the threat of curses or magic arrows. Even if there were any remnant of such a will, its fulfilment has now become an impossibility. For Buddhism has shaken the thrones of all the oblation-eating gods and brought them down from their heavenly positions. The state of being a Buddha is superior to the heavenly positions of many a Brahmâ or an Indra, who vie with each other in offering their worship at the feet of the Buddha, the God-man! And to this Buddhahood, every man has the privilege to attain; it is open to all even in this life. From the descent of the gods, as a natural consequence, the superiority of the priests who were supported by them is gone…… ….With the rise of Rajput power, on the decline of Buddhism, the sceptre of the Indian empire, dislodged from its paramount power, was again broken into a thousand pieces and wielded by small powerless hands. At this time, the Brâhminical (priestly) power again succeeded in raising its head, not as an adversary as before, but this time as an auxiliary to the royal supremacy……  …..During this revolution, that perpetual struggle for supremacy between the priestly and the royal classes, which began from the Vedic times and continued through ages till it reached its climax at the time of the Jain and Buddhist revolutions, has ceased for ever. Now these two mighty powers are friendly to each other; but neither is there any more that glorious Kshatra (warlike) velour of the kings, nor that spiritual brilliance which characterised the Brahmins; each has lost his former intrinsic strength. As might be expected, this new union of the two forces was soon engaged in the satisfaction of mutual self-interests, and became dissipated by spending its vitality on extirpating their common opponents, especially the Buddhists of the time, and on similar other deeds…..as the inevitable consequence of countenancing these detestable customs and superstitions, it soon lost all its own internal strength and stamina and became the weakest of the weak. What wonder that it should be broken into a thousand pieces and fall at the mere touch of the storm of Mussulman invasions from the West!…. ….The resuscitation of the priestly power under the Mussulman rule was, on the other hand, an utter impossibility. The Prophet Mohammed himself was dead against the priestly class in any shape and tried his best for the total destruction of this power by formulating rules and injunctions to that effect. Under the Mussulman rule, the king himself was the supreme priest; he was the chief guide in religious matters; and when he became the emperor, he cherished the hope of being the paramount leader in all matters over the whole Mussulman world….. ….Thus the priestly power — which sages like Kumârila, Shankara, and Râmânuja tried to re-establish, which for some time was supported by the sword of the Rajput power, and which tried to rebuild its structure on the fall of its Jain and Buddhist adversaries — was under Mohammedan rule laid to sleep for ever, knowing no awakening. In this period, the antagonism or warfare is not between kings and priests, but between kings and kings. At the end of this period, when Hindu power again raised its head, and, to some extent, was successful in regenerating Hinduism through the Mahrattas and the Sikhs, we do not find much play of the priestly power with these regenerations. On the contrary, when the Sikhs admitted any Brahmin into their sect, they, at first, compelled him publicly to give up his previous Brahminical signs and adopt the recognised signs of their own religion.  In this manner, after an age-long play of action and reaction between these two forces, the final victory of the royal power was echoed on the soil of India for several centuries, in the name of foreign monarchs professing an entirely different religion from the faith of the land. But at the end of this Mohammedan period, another entirely new power made its appearance on the arena and slowly began to assert its prowess in the affairs of the Indian world….  ….Among the Chinese, the Sumerians, the Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Chaldeans, the Areas, the Iranians, the Jews, the Arabs — among all these ancient nations, the supreme power of guiding society is, in the first period of their history, in the hands of the Brahmin or the priest. In the second period, the ruling power is the Kshatriya, that is, either absolute monarchy or oligarchical government by a chosen body of men. Among the modern Western nations, with England at their head, this power of controlling society has been, for the first time, in the hands of the Vaishyas or mercantile communities, made rich through the carrying on of commerce. ….But that a handful of Vaishyas (traders) who, despite their great wealth, have ever crouched awe stricken not only before the king but also before any member of the royal family, would unite, cross for purposes of business rivers and seas, would, solely by virtue of their intelligence and wealth, by degrees make puppets of the long-established Hindu and Mohammedan dynasties; not only so, but that they would buy as well the services of the ruling powers of their own country and use their valour and learning as powerful instruments for the influx of their own riches — this is a spectacle entirely novel to the Indians, as also the spectacle that the descendants of the mighty nobility of a country, of which a proud lord, sketched by the extraordinary pen of its great poet, says to a common man, “Out, dunghill! darest thou brave a nobleman?” would, in no distant future, consider it the zenith of human ambition to be sent to India as obedient servants of a body of merchants, called The East India Company — such a sight was, indeed, a novelty unseen by India before!…. ….In India, the royal power succeeded in conquering the priestly power and declaring its untrammelled authority long after the other ancient civilised nations had done so; and therefore the inauguration of the Indian Empire came about long after the Chinese, Egyptian, Babylonian, and other Empires had risen. It was only with the Jewish people that the royal power, though it tried hard to establish its supremacy over the priestly, had to meet a complete defeat in the attempt. Not even the Vaishyas attained the ruling power with the Jews. On the other hand, the common subject people, trying to free themselves from the shackles of priestcraft, were crushed to death under the internal commotion of adverse religious movements like Christianity and the external pressure of the mighty Roman Empire….. ….As in the ancient days the priestly power, in spite of its long-continued struggle, was subdued by the more powerful royal power, so, in modern times, before the violent blow of the newly-risen Vaishya power, many a kingly crown has to kiss the ground, many a sceptre is for ever broken to pieces. Only those few thrones which are allowed still to exercise some power in some of the civilised countries and make a display of their royal pomp and grandeur are all maintained solely by the vast hordes of wealth of these Vaishya communities — the dealers in salt, oil, sugar, and wine — and kept up as a magnificent and an imposing front. and as a means of glorification to the really governing body behind, the Vaishyas…. that England whose war flag is the factory chimney, whose troops are the merchantmen, whose battlefields are the market-places of the world, and whose Empress is the shining Goddess of Fortune herself! It is on this account I have said before that it is indeed an unseen novelty, this conquest of India by England. What new revolution will be effected in India by her clash with the new giant power, and as the result of that revolution what new transformation is in store for future India, cannot be inferred from her past history….. 

….The foundation of the priestly power rests on intellectual strength, and not on the physical strength of arms. Therefore, with the supremacy of the priestly power, there is a great prevalence of intellectual and literary culture…. only a few great souls who can acquire a perfect control over their sense-organs and who are possessed with a nature preponderating with the essence of Sattva Guna are able to pierce the formidable wall of matter and come face to face, as it were, with the supersensuous — it is only they who know the workings of the kingdom that bring the messages from it and show the way to others. These great souls are the priests, the primitive guides, leaders, and movers of human societies.  ….Knowingly or unknowingly, society gives the priest abundant leisure, and he can therefore get the opportunity of being meditative and of thinking higher thoughts. Hence the development of wisdom and learning originates first with the supremacy of the priestly power….  The flame of the despotic will of the king, maddened in the pride of his wealth and men, is able to burn into ashes everything that comes in his way; but it is only a word from the priest, who has neither wealth nor men behind him but whose sole strength is his spiritual power, that can quench the despotic royal will, as water the fire.  ….With the ascendancy of the priestly supremacy are seen the first advent of civilisation, the first victory of the divine nature over the animal, the first mastery of spirit over matter, and the first manifestation of the divine power which is potentially present in this very slave of nature, this lump of flesh, to wit, the human body….. There are evils as well. With the growth of life is sown simultaneously the seed of death. Darkness and light always go together. Indeed, there are great evils which, if not checked in proper time, lead to the ruin of society.  …..— there a cloud of smoky indistinctness, as it were, naturally envelops the mental atmosphere of these men who often live and move in such hazy worlds of obscure mysticism. No straight line of action presents itself before such a mind; even if it does, the mind distorts it into crookedness. The final result of all this is insincerity — that very limited narrowness of the heart — and above all, the most fatal is the extreme intolerance born of malicious envy at the superior excellence of another.  The priest naturally says to himself: “Why should I part with the power that has made the Devas subservient to me, has given me mastery over physical and mental illnesses, and has gained for me the service of ghosts, demons, and other unseen spirits? I have dearly bought this power by the price of extreme renunciation. Why should I give to others that to get which I had to give up my wealth, name, fame, in short, all my earthly comforts and happiness?” Again, that power is entirely mental. And how many opportunities are there of keeping it a perfect secret! Entangled in this wheel of circumstances, human nature becomes what it inevitably would: being used to practice constant self-concealment, it becomes a victim of extreme selfishness and hypocrisy, and at last succumbs to the poisonous consequences which they bring in their train. In time, the reaction of this very desire to concealment rebounds upon oneself. All knowledge, all wisdom is almost lost for want of proper exercise and diffusion, and what little remains is thought to have been obtained from some supernatural source; and, therefore, far from making fresh efforts to go in for originality and gain knowledge of new sciences, it is considered useless and futile to attempt even to improve the remnants of the old by cleansing them of their corruptions. Thus lost to former wisdom, the former indomitable spirit of self- reliance, the priest, now glorifying himself merely in the name of his forefathers, vainly struggles to preserve untarnished for himself the same glory, the same privilege, the same veneration, and the same supremacy as was enjoyed by his great forefathers. Consequently, his violent collision with the other castes….. Again, in those parts of India, wherever this new-comer, the English Government, is introducing new modes of education and opening up new channels for the coming in of wealth, there hosts of Brahmin youths are giving up their hereditary priestly profession and trying to earn their livelihood and become rich by adopting the callings of other castes, with the result that the habits and customs of the priestly class, handed down from their distant forefathers, are scattered to the winds and are fast disappearing from the land…..  .. ….As during the Brâhminical supremacy, at the first stage is the awakening of the first impulse for search after knowledge, and later the continual and careful fostering of the growth of that impulse still in its infancy — so, during the Kshatriya supremacy, a strong desire for pleasure pursuits has made its appearance at the first stage, and later have sprung up inventions and developments of arts and sciences as the means for its gratification. Can the king, in the height of his glory, hide his proud head within the lowly cottages of the poor? Or can the common good of his subjects ever minister to his royal appetite with satisfaction? …. ….Hence the rising of magnificent palaces to take the place of thatched cottages. The sweet harmonious strain of artistic music, flowing as it were from heaven, silenced the disorderly jargon of the rabble. Delightful gardens, pleasant groves, beautiful galleries, charming paintings, exquisite sculptures, fine and costly apparel began to displace by gradual steps the natural beauties of rugged woods and the rough and coarse dress of the simple rustic. Thousands of intelligent men left the toilsome task of the ploughman and turned their attention to the new field of fine arts, where they could display the finer play of their intellect in less laborious and easier ways. Villages lost their importance; cities rose in their stead.  It was in India, again, that the kings, after having enjoyed for some time earthly pleasures to their full satisfaction, were stricken at the latter part of their lives with heavy world-weariness, as is sure to follow on extreme sense-gratification; and thus being satiated with worldly pleasures, they retired at their old age into secluded forests, and there began to contemplate the deep problems of life. The results of such renunciation and deep meditation were marked by a strong dislike for cumbrous rites and ceremonials and an extreme devotion to the highest spiritual truths which we find embodied in the Upanishads, the Gita, and the Jain and the Buddhist scriptures. Here also was a great conflict between the priestly and the royal powers. Disappearance of the elaborate rites and ceremonials meant a death-blow to the priest’s profession. Therefore, naturally, at all times and in every country, the priests gird up their loins and try their best to preserve the ancient customs and usages, while on the other side stand in opposition kings like Janaka, backed by Kshatriya prowess as well as spiritual power. We have dealt at length already on this bitter antagonism between the two parties….When, in course of time, Buddhism declined and its extremely pure and moral character gave place to equally bad, unclean, and immoral practices, when Indian society trembled under the infernal dance of the various races of barbarians who were allowed into the Buddhistic fold by virtue of its universal all-embracing spirit of equality — then Shankara, and later Ramanuja, appeared on the scene and tried their best to bring society back to its former days of glory and re-establish its lost status…. ….The king, the centre of the forces of the aggregate of his subjects, soon forgets that those forces are only stored with him so that he may increase and give them back a thousandfold in their potency, so that they may spread over the whole community for its good. Attributing all Godship to himself, in his pride, like the king Vena he looks upon other people as wretched specimens of humanity who should grovel before him; any opposition to his will, whether good or bad, is a great sin on the part of his subjects. Hence oppression steps into the place of protection — sucking their blood in place of preservation. If the society is weak and debilitated, it silently suffers all ill-treatment at the hands of the king, and as the natural consequence, both the king and his people go down and down and fall into the most degraded state, and thus become an easy prey to any nation stronger than themselves. Where the society is healthy and strong, there soon follows a fierce contest between the king and his subjects, and, by its reaction and convulsion, are flung away the sceptre and the crown; and the throne and the royal paraphernalia become like past curiosities preserved in the museum galleries…. …As the priest is busy about centralising all knowledge and learning at a common centre, to wit, himself, so the king is ever up and doing in collecting all the earthly powers and focusing them in a central point, i.e. his own self. Of course, both are beneficial to society. At one time they are both needed for the common good of society, but that is only at its infant stage. But if attempts be made, when society has passed its infant stage and reached its vigorous youthful condition, to clothe it by force with the dress which suited it in its infancy and keep it bound within narrow limits, then either it bursts the bonds by virtue of its own strength and tries to advance, or where it fails to do so, it retraces its footsteps and by slow degrees returns to its primitive uncivilised condition….. ….As during the supremacy of the Brahmin and the Kshatriya, there is a centralization of learning and advancement of civilization, so the result of the supremacy of the Vaishya is accumulation of wealth. The power of the Vaishya lies in the possession of that coin, the charm of whose clinking sound works with an irresistible fascination on the minds of the four castes. The Vaishya is always in fear lest the Brahmin swindles him out of this, his only possession, and lest the Kshatriya usurps it by virtue of his superior strength of arms. For self-preservation, the Vaishyas as a body are, therefore, of one mind. The Vaishya commands the money; the exorbitant interest that he can exact for its use by others, as with a lash in his hand, is his powerful weapon which strikes terror in the heart of all. By the power of his money, he is always busy curbing the royal power. That the royal power may not anyhow stand in the way of the inflow of his riches, the merchant is ever watchful. But, for all that, he has never the least wish that the power should pass on from the kingly to the Shudra class…. ….The wisdom, civilization, and arts that accumulated in the heart of the social body during the Brahmin and the Kshatriya supremacies are being diffused in all directions by the arteries of commerce to the different market-places of the Vaishya. But for the rising of this Vaishya power, who would have carried today the culture, learning, acquirements, and articles of food and luxury of one end of the world to the other? …. ….And where are they through whose physical labour only are possible the influence of the Brahmin, the prowess of the Kshatriya, and the fortune of the Vaishya? What is their history, who, being the real body of society, are designated at all times in all countries as “baseborn”? —…. . .

….But gradually the idea is being formed in the minds of the English public that the passing away of the Indian Empire from their sway will end in imminent peril to the English nation, and be their ruin. So, by any means whatsoever, the supremacy of England must be maintained in India. The way to effect this, they think, is by keeping uppermost in the heart of every Indian the mighty prestige and glory of the British nation. It gives rise to both laughter and tears simultaneously to observe how this ludicrous and pitiful sentiment is gaining ground among the English, and how they are steadily extending their modus operandi for the carrying out of this sentiment into practice. It seems as if the Englishmen resident in India are forgetting that so long as that fortitude, that perseverance, and that intense national unity of purpose, by which Englishmen have earned this Indian Empire — and that ever wide-awake commercial genius aided by science’ which has turned even India, the mother of all riches, into the principal mart of England — so long as these characteristics are not eliminated from their national life, their throne in India is unshakable. So long as these qualities are inherent in the British character, let thousands of such Indian Empires be lost, thousands will be earned again. But if the flow of the stream of those qualifier be retarded, shall an Empire be governed by the mere emblazoning of British prestige and glory? Therefore when such remarkable traits of character are still predominant in the English as a nation, it is utterly useless to spend so much energy and power for the mere preservation of meaningless “prestige”. If that power were employed for the welfare of the subject-people, that, would certainly have been a great gain for both the ruling and the ruled races…..
….have observed in the West also that the children of weaker nations, if born in England, give themselves out as Englishmen, instead of Greek, Portuguese, Spaniard, etc., as the case may be. All drift towards the strong. That the light of glory which shines in the glorious may anyhow fall and reflect on one’s own body, i.e. to shine in the borrowed light of the great, is the one desire of the weak. When I see Indians dressed in European apparel and costumes, the thought comes to my mind, perhaps they feel ashamed to own their nationality and kinship with the ignorant, poor, illiterate, downtrodden people of India! …..
….O India, this is your terrible danger. The spell of imitating the West is getting such a strong hold upon you that what is good or what is bad is no longer decided by reason, judgment, discrimination, or reference to the Shastras…..

..In the case of an absolute and arbitrary monarchy, the conquered race is not treated with so much contempt by the ruling power. Under such an absolute government, the rights of all subjects are equal, in other words, no one has any right to question or control the governing authority. So there remains very little room for special privileges of caste and the like. But where the monarchy is controlled by the voice of the ruling race, or a republican form of government rules the conquered race, there a wide distance is created between the ruling and the ruled; and the most part of that power, which, if employed solely for the well-being of the ruled classes, might have done immense good to them within a short time, is wasted by the government in its attempts and applications to keep the subject race under its entire control….. …Whether the leadership of society be in the hands of those who monopolise learning or wield the power of riches or arms, the source of its power is always the subject masses. By so much as the class in power severs itself from this source, by so much is it sure to become weak. But such is the strange irony of fate, such is the queer working of Mâyâ, that they from whom this power is directly or indirectly drawn, by fair means or foul — by deceit, stratagem, force, or by voluntary gift — they soon cease to be taken into account by the leading class. When in course of time, the priestly power totally estranged itself from the subject masses, the real dynamo of its power, it was overthrown by the then kingly power taking its stand on the strength of the subject people; again, the kingly power, judging itself to be perfectly independent, created a gaping chasm between itself and the subject people, only to be itself destroyed or become a mere puppet in the hands of the Vaishyas, who now succeeded in securing a relatively greater co-operation of the mass of the people. The Vaishyas have now gained their end; so they no longer deign to count on help from the subject people and are trying their best to dissociate themselves from them; consequently, here is being sown the seed of the destruction of this power as well.  Though themselves the reservoir of all powers, the subject masses, creating an eternal distance between one another, have been deprived of all their legitimate rights; and they will remain so as long as this sort of relation continues…. …Without the co-operation of the many, most words can by no means go on — even self-defence becomes an impossibility. The joining of friendly hands in mutual help for the protection of this self-interest is seen in every nation, and in every land. Of course, the circumference of this self-interest varies with different people…

  ….Accumulation of power is as necessary as its diffusion, or rather more so. The accumulation of blood in the heart is an indispensable condition for life; its non-circulation throughout the body means death. For the welfare of society, it is absolutely necessary at certain times to have all knowledge and power concentrated in certain families or castes to the exclusion of others, but that concentrated power is focussed for the time being, only to be scattered broadcast over the whole of society in future. If this diffusion be withheld, the destruction of that society is, without doubt, near at hand….     Wisdom, knowledge, wealth, men, strength, prowess and whatever else nature gathers and provides us with, are all only for diffusion, when the moment of need is at hand. We often forget this fact, put the stamp of  “mine only” upon the entrusted deposits, and pari passu, we sow the seed of our own ruin! 

…in all our actions, errors and mistakes are our only teachers. Who commits mistaken the path of truth is attainable by him only. Trees never make mistakes, nor do stones fall into error; animals are hardly seen to transgress the fixed laws of nature; but man is prone to err, and it is man who becomes God-on-earth. If our every movement from the nursery to the death-bed, if our every thought from rising at day-break till retirement at midnight, be prescribed and laid down for us in minutest detail by others — and if the threat of the king’s sword be brought into requisition to keep us within the iron grasp of those prescribed rules — then, what remains for us to think independently for ourselves? What makes a man a genius, a sage? Isn’t it because he thinks, reasons, wills? Without exercise, the power of deep thinking is lost…. ….The individual’s life is in the life of the whole, the individual’s happiness is in the happiness of the whole; apart from the whole, the individual’s existence is inconceivable — this is an eternal truth and is the bed-rock on which the universe is built. To move slowly towards the infinite whole, bearing a constant feeling of intense sympathy and sameness with it, being happy with its happiness and being distressed in its affliction, is the individual’s sole duty. Not only is it his duty, but in its transgression is his death, while compliance with this great truth leads to life immortal. This is the law of nature, and who can throw dust into her ever-watchful eyes? None can hoodwink society and deceive it for any length of time. However much there may have accumulated heaps of refuse and mud on the surface of society — still, at the bottom of those heaps the life-breath of society is ever to be found pulsating with the vibrations of universal love and self-denying compassion for all. Society is like the earth that patiently bears incessant molestations; but she wakes up one day, however long that may be in coming, and the force of the shaking tremors of that awakening hurls off to a distance the accumulated dirt of self-seeking meanness piled up during millions of patient and silent years!

Do religions advocate evil practices ?

Are there superstitious beliefs behind crimes committed via surveillance and wars?

Ex-GCHQ head quit over reference for paedophile priest, report says

Satanic-Pagan Cults Launch War on West https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1988/eirv15n15-19880408/eirv15n15-19880408_051-satanic_pagan_cults_launch_war_o.pdf 

Satanists Escalate War against Western Civilization https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1989/eirv16n01-19890101/eirv16n01-19890101_063-satanists_escalate_war_against_w.pdf  

Satan’s Army’s Generals Expose Themselves in Recruitment Manual https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1990/eirv17n15-19900406/eirv17n15-19900406_060-satans_armys_generals_expose_the.pdf 

Narco-Satanism Invades America’s Living Rooms https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1989/eirv16n17-19890421/eirv16n17-19890421_054-narco_satanism_invades_americas.pdf

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Burger Proposes: Back To The Caves! https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1976/eirv03n29-19760720/eirv03n29-19760720_039-us_supreme_court_justice_burger-lar.pdf

Pagan worship is part of Norse mythology as well as the Eastern belief system:

Germanic religion and mythology https://www.britannica.com/topic/Germanic-religion-and-mythology

Human sacrifices? — https://en.natmus.dk/historical-knowledge/denmark/prehistoric-period-until-1050-ad/the-viking-age/religion-magic-death-and-rituals/human-sacrifices

Eastern belief system:

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarvepalli_Radhakrishnan — For Radhakrishnan, theology and creeds are intellectual formulations, and symbols of religious experience or “religious intuitions”. Radhakrishnan qualified the variety of religions hierarchically according to their apprehension of “religious experience”, giving Advaita Vedanta the highest place: This qualification is not unique to Radhakrishnan. It was developed by nineteenth-century Indologists, and was highly influential in the understanding of Hinduism, both in the west and in India.  

1.   The worshipers of the Absolute   2.  The worshipers of the personal God   3.  The worshipers of the incarnations like Rama, Krishna, Buddha   4.  Those who worship ancestors, deities and sages     5. The worshipers of the petty forces and spirits  Radhakrishnan saw Hinduism as a scientific religion based on facts, apprehended via intuition or religious experience. According to Radhakrishnan, “if philosophy of religion is to become scientific, it must become empirical and found itself on religious experience”. He saw this empiricism exemplified in the Vedas:     ” The truths of the ṛṣis are not evolved as the result of logical reasoning or systematic philosophy but are the products of spiritual intuition, dṛṣti or vision. The ṛṣis are not so much the authors of the truths recorded in the Vedas as the seers who were able to discern the eternal truths by raising their life-spirit to the plane of universal spirit. They are the pioneer researchers in the realm of the spirit who saw more in the world than their followers. Their utterances are not based on transitory vision but on a continuous experience of resident life and power. When the Vedas are regarded as the highest authority, all that is meant is that the most exacting of all authorities is the authority of facts”. 

From his writings collected as The Hindu View of Life, Upton Lectures, Delivered at Manchester College, Oxford, 1926: “Hinduism insists on our working steadily upwards in improving our knowledge of God. The worshippers of the absolute are of the highest rank; second to them are the worshippers of the personal God; then come the worshippers of the incarnations of Rama, Krishna, Buddha; below them are those who worship deities, ancestors, and sages, and lowest of all are the worshippers of petty forces and spirits. The deities of some men are in water (i.e., bathing places), those of the most advanced are in the heavens, those of the children (in religion) are in the images of wood and stone, but the sage finds his God in his deeper self. The man of action finds his God in fire, the man of feeling in the heart, and the feeble minded in the idol, but the strong in spirit find God everywhere”. The seers see the supreme in the self, and not the images.”


….According to scholars, the civilisations of Egypt and ancient Babylonia are the oldest. Houses and remains of buildings are to be met with in these countries dating 6,000 B.C. or even earlier. In India the oldest building that may have been discovered date back to Chandragupta’s time at the most; that is, only 300 B.C. Houses of greater antiquity have not yet been discovered. (The ancient remains at Harappa, Mohenjo-daro etc., in the Indus Valley in North-west India, which prove the existence of an advanced city civilisation in India dating back to more than 3000 B.C., were not dug out before 1922. — Ed.) But there are books, etc., of a far earlier date, which one cannot find in any other country. Pandit Bal Gangadhar Tilak has brought evidence to show that the Vedas of the Hindus existed in the present form at least five thousand years before the Christian era.

The borders of this Mediterranean were the birthplace of that European civilisation which has now conquered the world. On these shores the Semitic races such as the Egyptians, Babylonians, Phoenicians, and Jews, and the Aryan races such as the Persians, Greeks, and Romans, fused together — to form the modern European civilisation.

A big stone slab with inscriptions on it, called the Rosetta Stone, was discovered in Egypt. On this there are inscriptions in hieroglyphics, below which there is another kind of writing, and below them all there are inscriptions resembling Greek characters. A scholar conjectured that those three sets of inscriptions presented the same thing, and he deciphered these ancient Egyptian inscriptions with the help of Coptic characters — the Copts being the Christian race who yet inhabit Egypt and who are known as the descendants of the ancient Egyptians. Similarly the cuneiform characters inscribed on the bricks and tiles of the Babylonians were also gradually deciphered. Meanwhile certain Indian inscriptions in plough-shaped characters were discovered as belonging to the time of Emperor Asoka. No earlier inscriptions than these have been discovered in India. (The Indus script is now known to be contemporary with Sumerian and Egyptian. — Ed.) The hieroglyphics inscribed on various kinds of temples, columns, and sarcophagi all over Egypt are being gradually deciphered and making Egyptian antiquity more lucid.

The Egyptians entered into Egypt from a southern country called Punt, across the seas. Some say that that Punt is the modern Malabar, and that the Egyptians and Dravidians belong to the same race. Their first king was named Menes, and their ancient religion too resembles in some parts our mythological tales. The god Shibu was enveloped by the goddess Nui; later on another god Shu came and forcibly removed Nui. Nui’s body became the sky, and her two hands and two legs became the four pillars of that sky. And Shibu became the earth. Osiris and Isis, the son and daughter of Nui, are the chief god and goddess in Egypt, and their son Horus is the object of universal worship. These three used to be worshipped in a group. Isis, again, is worshipped in the form of the cow.

Like the Nile on earth there is another Nile in the sky, of which the terrestrial Nile is only a part. According to the Egyptians, the Sun travels round the earth in a boat; now and then a serpent called Ahi devours him, then an eclipse takes place. The Moon is periodically attacked by a boar and torn to pieces, from which he takes fifteen days to recover. The deities of Egypt are some of them jackal-faced, some hawk-faced, others cow-faced, and so on.

Simultaneously with this, another civilisation had its rise on the banks of the Euphrates. Baal, Moloch, Istarte, and Damuzi were the chief of deities here. Istarte fell in love with a shepherd named Damuzi. A boar killed the latter and Istarte went to Hades, below the earth, in search of him. There she was subjected to various tortures by the terrible goddess Alat. At last Istarte declared that she would no more return to earth unless she got Damuzi back. This was a great difficulty; she was the goddess of sex-impulse, and unless she went back, neither men, nor animals, nor vegetables would multiply. Then the gods made a compromise that every year Damuzi was to reside in Hades for four months and live on earth during the remaining eight months. Then Istarte returned, there was the advent of spring and a good harvest followed.

Thus Damuzi again is known under the name of Adunoi or Adonis! The religion of all the Semitic races, with slight minor variations, was almost the same. The Babylonians, Jews, Phoenicians, and Arabs of a later date used the same form of worship. Almost every god was called Moloch — the word which persists to this day in the Bengali language as Mâlik (ruler), Mulluk (kingdom) and so forth — or Baal; but of course there were minor differences. According to some, the god called Alat afterwards turned into Allah of the Arab.

The worship of these gods also included certain terrible and abominable rites. Before Moloch or Baal children used to be burnt alive. In the temple of Istarte the natural and unnatural satisfaction of lust was the principal feature.

The history of the Jewish race is much more recent than that of Babylon. According to scholars the scripture known as the Bible was composed from 500 B.C. to several years after the Christian era. Many portions of the Bible which are generally supposed to be of earlier origin belong to a much later date. The main topics of the Bible concern the Babylonians. The Babylonian cosmology and description of the Deluge have in many parts been incorporated wholesale into the Bible. Over and above this, during the rule of the Persian Emperors in Asia Minor, many Persian doctrines found acceptance among the Jews. According to the Old Testament, this world is all; there is neither soul nor an after-life. In the New Testament there is mention of the Parsee doctrines of an after-life and resurrection of the dead, while the theory of Satan exclusively belongs to the Parsis.

The principal feature of the Jewish religion is the worship of Yave-Moloch. But this name does not belong to the Jewish language; according to some it is an Egyptian word. But nobody knows whence it came. There are descriptions in the Bible that the Israelites lived confined in Egypt for a long time, but all this is seldom accepted now, and the patriarchs such as Abraham, and Isaac, and Joseph are proved to be mere allegories.

The Jews would not utter the name “Yave”, in place of which they used to say “Adunoi”. When the Jews became divided into two branches, Israel and Ephraim, two principal temples were constructed in the two countries. In the temple that was built by the Israelites in Jerusalem, an image of Yave, consisting of a male and female figure united, was preserved in a coffer (ark), and there was a big phallic column at the door. In Ephraim, Yave used to be worshipped in the form of a gold-covered Bull.

In both places it was the practice to consign the eldest son alive to the flames before the god, and a band of women used to live in both the temples, within the very precincts of which they used to lead most immoral lives and their earnings were utilised for temple expenditure.

In course of time there appeared among the Jews a class of men who used to invoke the presence of deities in their person by means of music or dance. They were called Prophets. Many of these, through association with the Persians, set themselves against image-worship, sacrifice of sons, immorality, prostitution, and such other practices. By degrees, circumcision took the place of human sacrifice; and prostitution and image-worship etc. gradually disappeared. In course of time from among these Prophets Christianity had its rise.

There is a great dispute as to whether there ever was born a man with the name of Jesus. Of the four books comprising the New Testament, the Book of St. John has been rejected by some as spurious. As to the remaining three, the verdict is that they have been copied from some ancient book; and that, too, long after the date ascribed to Jesus Christ.

Moreover, about the time that Jesus is believed to have been born among the Jews themselves, there were born two historians, Josephus and Philo. They have mentioned even petty sects among the Jews, but not made the least reference to Jesus or the Christians, or that the Roman Judge sentenced him to death on the cross. Josephus’ book had a single line about it, which has now been proved to be an interpolation. The Romans used to rule over the Jews at that time, and the Greeks taught all sciences and arts. They have all written a good many things about the Jews, but made no mention of either Jesus or the Christians.

Another difficulty is that the sayings, precepts, or doctrines which the New Testament preaches were already in existence among the Jews before the Christian era, having come from different quarters, and were being preached by Rabbis like Hillel and others. These are what scholars say; but they cannot, with safety to their reputation, give oracular verdicts off-hand on their own religion, as they are wont to do with regard to alien religions. So they proceed slowly. This is what is called Higher Criticism.

The Western scholars are thus studying the religions, customs, races, etc., of different and far-off countries. ….

History of the Aryan race: —


The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda/Volume 9/Lectures and Discourses/History of the Aryan Race


[A Jnâna-Yoga class delivered in London, England, on Thursday morning, May 7, 1896, and recorded by Mr. Josiah J. Goodwin]

I have told you how I would divide the subject into four Yogas, but, as the bearing of all these various Yogas is the same — the goal they want to arrive at is the same — I had better begin with the philosophical portion: the Jnana-Yoga. Jnâna means knowledge, and, before going into the principles of the Vedanta philosophy, I think it is necessary to sketch in a few words the origin and the beginning and the development — the historical portion of that system. Most of you are now familiar with the words Arya and Aryan, and many things have been written on these words.

About a century ago there was an English judge in Bengal, Sir William Jones. In India, you know, there are Mohammedans and Hindus. The Hindus were the original people, and the Mohammedans came and conquered them and ruled over them for seven hundred years. There have been many other conquests in India; and whenever there is a new conquest, the criminal laws of the country are changed. The criminal law is always the law of the conquering nation, but the civil law remains the same. So when the English conquered India, they changed the criminal law; but the civil law remained. The judges, however, were Englishmen and did not know the language of the country in which the civil laws were written, and so they had to take the help of interpreters, lawyers of India, and so on. And when any question about Indian law arose, these scholars would be referred to.

One of these judges, Sir William Jones, was a very ripe scholar, and he wanted to go to the fountain-head himself, to take up the language himself and study it, instead of relying upon these interpreters who, for instance, might be bribed to give any verdict. So he began to study the law of the Gentoos, as the Hindus were called. Gentoo is probably a form of the word gentile, used by the Portuguese and Spaniards — or “heathen”, as you call it now. When the judge began to translate some of the books into English, he found that it was very hard to translate them correctly into English at first hand. What was his surprise when he found that if he translated them first into Latin, and next into English, it was much easier. Then he found in translating that a large number of Sanskrit words were almost the same as in Latin. It was he who introduced the study of Sanskrit to the Europeans. Then as the Germans were rising in scholarship — as well as the French — they took up the language and began to study it.

With their tremendous power of analysis, the Germans found that there was a similarity between Sanskrit and all the European languages. Among the ancient languages, Greek was the nearest to it in resemblance. Later, it was found that there was a language called Lithuanian, spoken somewhere on the shores of the Baltic — an independent kingdom at that time and unconnected with Russia. The language of the Lithuanians is strikingly similar to Sanskrit. Some of the Lithuanian sentences are less changed from Sanskrit forms than the northern Indian languages. Thus it was found that there is an intimate connection between all the various languages spoken in Europe and the two Asiatic languages — Persian and Sanskrit. Many theories are built upon it as to how this connection came. Theories were built up every day, and every day smashed. There is no knowing where it is going to stop.

Then came the theory that there was one race in ancient times who called themselves Aryans. They found in Sanskrit literature that there was a people who spoke Sanskrit and called themselves Aryans, and this is mentioned also in Persian literature. Thus they founded the theory that there was in ancient times a nation [of people] who called themselves Aryans and who spoke Sanskrit and lived in Central Asia. This nation, they said, broke into several branches and migrated to Europe and Persia; and wherever they went, they took their own languages. German, Greek and French are but remnants of an old tongue, and Sanskrit is the most highly developed of these languages.

These are theories and have not been proved yet; they are mere conjectures and guesses. Many difficulties come in the way — for instance, how the Indians are dark and the Europeans are fair. Even within the same nations speaking these languages — in England itself — there are many with yellow hair and many with black. Thus there are many questions which have not yet been settled.

But this is certain, that all the nations of Europe except the Basques, the Hungarians, the Tartars and the [Finns?] (Vide [7]Complete Works, VIII.) — excepting these, all the Europeans, all the northern Indians and the Persians speak branches of the same language. Vast masses of literature are existing in all these Aryan tongues: in Greek, in Latin, in modern European languages — German, English, French — in ancient Persian, in modern Persian and in Sanskrit.

But in the first place, Sanskrit literature alone is a very big mass. Although, perhaps, three-fourths of it has been destroyed and lost through successive invasions, yet, I think, the sum total of the amount of literature in Sanskrit would outbalance any three or four European languages taken together, in number of books. No one knows how many books are there yet and where they are, because it is the most ancient of all these Aryan languages. And that branch of the Aryan race which spoke the Sanskrit language was the first to become civilized and the first to begin to write books and literature. So they went on for thousands of years. How many thousands of years they wrote no one knows. There are various guesses — from 3000 B.C. to 8000 B.C. — but all of these dates are more or less uncertain.

Each man in writing about these ancient books and dates is first of all prejudiced by his earlier education, then by his religion, then by his nationality. If a Mohammedan writes about the Hindus, anything that does not glorify his own religion he very scrupulously pushes to one side. So with the Christians — you can see that with your own writers. In the last ten years your literature has become more respectable. So long as they [the Christians] had full play, they wrote in English and were safe from Hindu criticism. But, within the last twenty years, the Hindus have begun writing in English, so they are more careful. And you will find that the tone has quite changed within the last ten or twenty years.

Another curiosity about the Sanskrit literature is that it, like any other language, has undergone many changes. Taking all the literature in these various Aryan languages — the Greek or the Latin or all these others — we find that all the European branches were of very recent date. The Greek came much later — a mere child in comparison with the Egyptian or the Babylonian.

The Egyptians and the Babylonians, of course, are not Aryans. They are separate races, and their civilizations antedate all the European civilization. But with the exception of the ancient Egyptians, they were almost coeval [with the Aryans]; in some accounts, they were even earlier. Yet in Egyptian literature, there are certain things to be accounted for — the introduction of the Indian lotus on old temples, the lotus Gangetic. It is well known that this only grows in India. Then there are the references to the land of Punt. Although very great attempts have been made to fix that land of Punt on the Arabs, it is very uncertain. And then there are the references to the monkeys and sandalwood of southern India — only to be found there.

The Jews were of a much later date than the Greek Aryans. Only one branch of the Semitic race of Babylon and this nondescript, unknowable race — the Egyptians — were much older than the Aryans, except the Hindus.

So this Sanskrit has undergone very much change as a matter of course, having been spoken and written through thousands of years. It necessarily follows that in other Aryan languages, as in Greek and Roman, the literature must be of much later date than Sanskrit. Not only so, but there is this peculiarity, that of all regular books that we have in the world, the oldest are in Sanskrit — and that is the mass of literature called the Vedas. There are very ancient pieces in the Babylonian or Egyptian literature, but they cannot be called literature or books, but just a few notes, a short letter, a few words, and so on. But as finished, cultured literature, the Vedas are the oldest.

These Vedas were written in the peculiar archaic Sanskrit, and for a long time — even today — it is thought by many European antiquarians that these Vedas were not written, but were handed down by father to son, learned by rote, and thus preserved. Within the last few years, opinion is veering round, and they are beginning to think that they must have been written in most ancient times.

Of course they have to make theories in this way. Theory after theory will have to be built up and destroyed until we reach truth. This is quite natural. But when the subject is Indian or Egyptian, the Christian philosophers rush in to make theories; while if the subject is nearer home, they think twice first. That is why they fail so much and have to keep on making fresh theories every five years. But this much is true, that this mass of literature, whether written or not, was conveyed and, not only that, but is at the present day conveyed by word of mouth. This is thought to be holy.

You find in every nation when a new idea, a new form, a new discovery or invention comes in, the old things are not brushed aside all at once, but are relegated to the religion of holiness. The ancient Hindus used to write on palm leaves and birch bark; and when paper was invented they did not throw aside all the palm leaves, but used to consider writing on palm leaves and birch bark holy. So with the Jews — they used to write only on parchment, and parchment is now used for writing in their temples. So you find when new customs come in, the old ones become holy. So this form of transmitting the literature of the Vedas from teacher to disciple by word of mouth, although antiquated and almost useless now, has become holy. The student may refresh his memory by books, but has to learn by word of mouth of a teacher. A great many modifications will always gather round such a fact to make its holiness more rational, but this is the law.

These Vedas are a vast mass of literature by themselves. That is to say, in those ancient times, in every country, religion was the first ideal to spring out of the heart of man, and all the secular knowledge that men got was made over to religion.

Secondly, people who deal with religion and in later times came to be called priests — being the first thinkers of every nation — not only thought about religious subjects, but secular matters also; and, as such, all knowledge was confined to them. These masses of knowledge — both secular and religious — will always be gathered together and made into a vast mass of literature.

In much later times, this is the case. For instance, in studying the Bible of the Jews, we find the same thing. The Talmud contained a vast mass of information on all subjects and so did the Pentateuch. In the same way, the Vedas give information on various subjects. They have come together and form one book. And in later times, when other subjects were separated from religion — when astronomy and astrology were taken out of religion — these subjects, being connected with the Vedas and being ancient, were considered very holy.

Almost the largest portion of the Vedas has been lost. The priests who carried it down to posterity were divided into so many families; and, accordingly, the Vedas were divided into so many parts. Each part was allotted to a family. The rituals, the ceremonies, the customs, the worship of that family were to be obtained from that [respective] portion of the Vedas. They preserved it and performed all the ceremonies according to that. In course of time, [some of] these families became extinct; and with them, their portion of the Vedas was lost, if these old accounts be true.

Some of you know that the Vedas are divided into four parts. One is called the Rig-Veda, another Yajur-Veda, another Sâma-Veda, and the fourth Atharva-Veda. Each one of these, again, was divided into many branches. For instance, the Sama-Veda had one thousand branches, of which only about five or six remain; the rest are all lost. So with the others. The Rig-Veda had 108, of which only one remains; and the rest are all lost.

Then [there were] these various invasions. India has been the one country to which every nation that has become strong wants to go and conquer — it being reputed to be very rich. The wealth of the people had become a fable, even in the most ancient history. [Many foreign invaders] rushed to become wealthy in India and conquered the country. Every one of these invasions destroyed one or more of these families, burned many libraries and houses. And when that was so, much literature was lost. It is only within the last few years that ideas have begun to spring up about the retention of these various religions and books. Before that, mankind had to suffer all this pillaging and breaking down. Most stupendous creations of art were lost forever. Wonderful buildings — where, from a few bits of remnants now in India, it can be imagined how wonderful they were — are completely gone. . . .

[The fanatical belief of many of these invaders into India is] that those who do not belong to their sect have no right to live. They will go to a place where the fire will never be quenched when they die; in this life they are only fit to be made into slaves or murdered; and that they have only the right to live as slaves to “the true believers”, but never as free men. So in this way, when these waves burst upon India, everything was submerged. Books and literature and civilization went down.

But there is a vitality in that race which is unique in the history of humanity, and perhaps that vitality comes from non-resistance. Non-resistance is the greatest strength. In meekness and mildness lies the greatest strength. In suffering is greater strength than in doing. In resisting one’s own passions is far higher strength than in hurting others. And that has been the watchword of the race through all its difficulties, its misfortunes and its prosperity. It is the only nation that never went beyond its frontiers to cut the throats of its neighbours. It is a glorious thing. It makes me rather patriotic to think I am born a Hindu, a descendant of the only race that never went out to hurt anyone, and whose only action upon humanity has been giving and enlightening and purifying and teaching, but never robbing.

Three-quarters of the wealth of the world has come out of India, and does even now. The commerce of India has been the turning point, the pivot, of the history of the world. Whatever nation got it became powerful and civilized. The Greeks got it and became the mighty Greeks; the Romans got it and became the mighty Romans. Even in the days of the Phoenicians it was so. After the fall of Rome, the Genoese and the Venetians got it. And then the Arabs rose and created a wall between Venice and India; and in the struggle to find a new way there, America was discovered. That is how America was discovered; and the original people of America were called Indians, or “Injuns”, for that reason. Even the Dutch got it — and the barbarians — and the English and they became the most powerful nation on earth. And the next nation that gets it will immediately be the most powerful.

Think of all this mass of energy that our nation displays — where does it get it? In India, they are the producers and you are the enjoyers, no doubt. They produced this — the patient, toiling millions of Hindus under the whip and slavery of everyone. Even the missionaries, who stand up to curse the millions of India, have been fattened upon the work of these millions, and they do not know how it has been done. Upon their blood the history of the world has been turning since we know history, and will have to turn for thousands of years more. What is the benefit? It gives that nation strength. They are, as it were, an example. They must suffer and stand up through all, fighting for the truths of religion — as a signpost, a beacon — to tell unto mankind that it is much higher not to resist, much higher to suffer, that if life be the goal, as even their conquerors will admit, we are the only race that can be called immortal, that can never be killed. (Vide [8]Complete Works, IV)

Where are the Greeks today — they whose armies marched over the whole world? Gone, thousands of years — nobody knows where. Vanished, as soon as the barbarians of the north came and attacked them. Where are the mighty Romans, whose cohorts came and trampled the face of the earth? Where are they today? Gone — vanished like the morning dew, and left behind in the march.

But here are the Hindus — three hundred million strong. And think of the fertility of the race! They can increase more than the whole world can kill them. This is the vitality of the race. Although not belonging very much to our subject, I wanted to bring these things before you.

Generally the uneducated minds, the vulgar minds of every nation, like the vulgar mobs in every big city, cannot grasp, cannot see, cannot understand, any fine movement. The causes, the real movements in this world of ours, are very fine; it is only the effects that are gross and muscular. The mind is the real cause of this body, the fine movements behind. The body is the gross, the external. But everyone sees the body; very few see the mind. So with everything; the masses, the brutal, ignorant masses of every race, see a triumphant procession, stampeding horses, arms and cannonades, and these they understand. But those fine, gentle workings that are going on behind — it is only the philosopher, the highly cultivated man or woman, that can understand.

To return to our Vedanta, I have said that the Sanskrit in which the Vedas were written is not the same Sanskrit in which books were written about a thousand years later than the Vedas — the books that you read in your translations of poets and other classical writers of India. The Sanskrit of the Vedas was very simple, archaic in its composition, and possibly it was a spoken language. But the Sanskrit that we have now was never a spoken language, at least for the last three thousand years. Curiously enough, the vast mass of literature was written in a language which was dead, covering a period of three thousand years. Dramas and novels were written in this dead language. And all the time it was not spoken in the homes; it was only the language of the learned.

Even in the time of Buddha, which was about 560 years before the Christian era, we find that Sanskrit had ceased to be a spoken language. Some of his disciples wanted to teach in Sanskrit, but the master studiously refused. He wanted to teach in the language [of the people], because he said he was the prophet of the people. And that is how it has come about that the Buddhistic literature is in Pali, which was the vernacular of that time.

This vast mass of literature — the Vedas — we find in three groups. The first group is the Samhitâs, a collection of hymns. The second group is called the Brâhmanas, or the [group dealing with different kinds of] sacrifice. The word Brahmana [by usage] means [what is achieved by means of] the sacrifice. And the other group is called the Upanishads (sittings, lectures, philosophic books). Again, the first two parts together — the hymns and the rituals — are called the Karmakânda, the work portion; and the second, or philosophic portion (the Upanishads), is called the Jnânakânda, the knowledge portion. This is the same word as your English word knowledge and the Greek word gnos — just as you have the word in agnostic, and so on.

The first portion is a collection of hymns in praise of certain gods, as Agni, fire; Mitra, the sun; and so forth. They are praised and oblations are offered to them. I have said these hymns are to the gods. I have used the word gods until I make you familiar with the Sanskrit word Deva, because the word gods is very misleading. These Devas mean the “bright ones”, and gods in India are less persons than positions. For instance, Indra and Agni are not names of particular persons, but particular posts in this universe. There is the post of President, the presiding post over certain elements, the presiding post over certain worlds, and so forth. According to these theologians, you and I — most of us — probably have been some of these gods several times. It is only temporarily that a soul can fill one of these positions. And after his time is over, he gives way; another soul is raised from this world by good works and takes that position — he becomes [for example] Agni. In reading Sanskrit philosophy or theology, people always get bothered by the changing of these gods. But this is the theory — that they are names of positions, that all souls will have to fill them again and again; and these gods, when the soul has attained to that position, can help mankind. So gifts and praise are offered to them. How this idea came to the Aryans we do not know, but in the earliest portion of the Rig-Veda we find this idea perfected and completed.

Behind and beyond all these Devas and men and animals and worlds is the Ruler of this universe, Ishvara — somewhat similar to what in the New Testament is called God the Creator, Preserver, the Ruler of this universe. These Devas are not to be confused with Ishvara at all, but in the English language you have the same word for both. You use the word God in the singular and the plural. But the gods are the bright ones — the Devas — and God is Ishvara. This we find even in the oldest portions of the Vedas.

Another peculiarity is that this Ishvara, this God, is manifesting Himself in all these various forms of bright ones. This idea — that the same God manifests Himself in various forms — is a very rudimentary idea of the Vedas, even in the oldest portions. There was a time when a sort of monotheistic idea entered the Vedas, but it was very quickly rejected. As we go on, perhaps you will agree with me that it was very good that it was rejected.

So we find in these oldest portions of the Samhitas that there were these various Devas — [being praised as] the manifestations of someone very much higher than they [had left] behind, so that sometimes each one of them was taken up and adjectives piled on it and at last it was said, “You are the God of the universe”. Then such passages as this occurred: “I am God, worshipped as the fire”, and so forth. “It is the One; sages call Him variously.” “He is that one existence; the sages call Him by various names.” This I ask you to remember, because this is the turning point, the key-note of all thought that India has produced — “He is that One Being; sages call Him variously.” All Hindu philosophy — either theistic or atheistic or monotheistic, dualistic or nondualistic — has that as the core, the centre. And by thousands of years of culture in the race, it is impossible for the Hindu race to go [away from] that idea.

That germ became a big tree; and that is why there was never a religious persecution in India, at least by the Hindus. That explains their liberality and welcome to any religion from any part of the world which came to settle there. That is how, even at the present day, Indian Rajas go and perform Mohammedan ceremonies and enter Mohammedan mosques, although [some] Mohammedans took the first opportunity to kill a number of “the heathens”.

“He is the One Being; sages call Him variously.”

There have been two theories advanced in modern times with regard to the growth of religions. The one is the tribal theory; the other is the spirit theory. The tribal theory is that humanity in its savage state remains divided into many small tribes. Each tribe has a god of its own — or sometimes the same god divided into many forms, as the god of this city came to that city, and so on; Jehovah of this city and of such-and-such mountain [came to such-and-such city or mountain]. When the tribes came together, one of them became strong.

Take the case of the Jews. They were divided into so many tribes, and each tribe had a god called either Baal or Moloch which in your Old Testament is translated as “the Lord”. There was the Moloch of this state and that state, of this mountain and that mountain, and there was the Moloch of the chest, who used to live in a chest. This latter tribe became strong and conquered the surrounding tribes and became triumphant. So that Moloch was proclaimed the greatest of all Molochs. “Thou art the Java [?] of the Molochs. Thou art the ruler of all the Baals and Molochs.” Yet the chest remained. So this idea was obtained from tribal gods.

There is the other theory of Spiritualism — that religion begins with the worship of ancestors. Ancestor worship was among the Egyptians, among the Babylonians, among many other races — the Hindus, the Christians. There is not one form of religion among which there has not been this ancestor worship in some form or other.

Before that they thought that this body had a double inside it and that when this body dies the double gets out and lives so long as this body exists. The double becomes very hungry or thirsty, wants food or drink, and wants to enjoy the good things of this world. So he [the double] comes to get food; and if he does not get it, he will injure even his own children. So long as the body is preserved the double will live. Naturally the first attempt, as we see, was to preserve the body, mummify the body, so that the body will live forever.

So with the Babylonians was this sort of spirit worship. Later on as the nations advanced, the cruel forms died out and better forms remained. Some place was given to that which is called heaven, and they placed food here so that it might reach the double there. Even now the pious Hindus must, one day a year at least, place food for their ancestors. And the day they leave off [this habit] will be a sorry day for the ancestors. So you also find this ancestor worship to be one cause of religion. There are in modern times philosophers who advance the theory that this has been the root of all religions. There are others who advance the theory that the root of all religions was the tribal assimilation of gods into one.

Among the Jews of the Old Testament you do not find any mention of soul. It is only in the Talmud that it is found. They got it from the Alexandrians, and the Alexandrians from the Hindus — just as the Talmud had [developed] later on the idea of transmigration of the soul. But the old Jews had grand ideas of God. The God of the Jews developed into the Great God — the Omnipotent, Omniscient, All-Merciful — and all this came to them from the Hindus, but not through the idea of the soul. So Spiritualism could not have played any part in that, because how could the man who did not believe in any soul after death have anything to do with Spiritualism?

On the other hand, in the oldest portion of the Vedas, there is very little of Spiritualism, if anything at all. These Devas [of the Vedas] were not [related to Spiritualism] — although later on they became so; and this idea of Someone behind them, of whom they were manifestations, is in the oldest parts.

Another idea is that when the body dies, the soul [which] is immortal remains beatified. The very oldest Aryan literature — whether German or Greek — has this idea of soul. The idea of soul has come from the Hindus.

Two people have given all the religion to the world — the Hindus and the Jews. But it is only with the Hindus that the idea of soul comes at first, and that was shared by the Aryan races.

The peculiarity you find is that the Semitic races and the Egyptians try to preserve the dead bodies, while the Aryans try to destroy them. The Greeks, the Germans, the Romans — your ancestors before they became Christians — used to burn the dead. It was only when Charlemagne made you Christians with the sword — and when you refused, [he] cut off a few hundred heads, and the rest jumped into the water — that burying came here. You see at once the metaphysical significance of burning the dead. The burying of the dead (Preserving the dead by the burying of the body.) can only remain when there is no idea of the soul, and the body is all. At best there came the idea later on that this very body will have another lease of life, after so many years — mummies will come out and begin to walk the streets again.

But with the Aryans the idea was from the first that the soul is not the body, but would live on. There are some old hymns in the Rig-Veda: when the bodies are burnt they say, “Take him gently, purify him, give him a bright body, take him to the land where the fathers live — wherethere is no more sorrow and where thereis joy forever”. (Rig-Veda 10.16.4.)

It is curious that though in modern times many hideous and cruel forms of religion crept into India, there is one peculiar idea that divides the Aryan from all other races of the world: that their religion, in the Hindu form, accepted this Indra as one [with the Ultimate Reality]. Three-quarters of the mythology of the Vedas is the same as that of the Greeks; only the old gods became saints in the new religion. But they were originally the gods of the Samhitas.

One other peculiarity we remark — that it is a cheerful, joyful, at times almost hilarious religion; there is not a bit of pessimism in it. The earth is beautiful, the heavens are beautiful, life is immortal. Even after death they get a still more beautiful body, which has none of the imperfections of this body, and they go to live with the gods and enjoy heaven forever.

On the other hand, with the Semitic races, the very first inception of religion was one of horror. A man crouched in his little house for fear. All round his house were those doubles. The family ancestors of the Jews were there, ready to pounce upon anybody and tear him to pieces if bloody sacrifices were not given to them. Even when you find that this [double] idea coagulated into one — “Thou art the Elohim of the Jews, Thou art the Elo[him] of the [Babylonians?]”[9]* — even then the idea of sacrifice remained.

The idea of sacrifice in India was not with this first portion. But in the next portion we find the same idea in India too, in the Brahmanas. The idea of sacrifice was originally simply giving food [to the gods], but gradually it was raised and raised until it became a sacrifice to God. Philosophy came in to mystify it still more and to spin webs of logic round it. Bloody sacrifices came into vogue. Somewhere we read that three hundred bullocks have been roasted, or the gods are smelling the sacrifices and becoming very glad. Then all sorts of mystical notions got about — how the sacrifice was to be made in the form of a tri-angle or a square, a triangle within a square, a pentagon, and all sorts of figures. But the great benefit was the evolution of geometry. When they had to make all these figures — and it was laid down strictly how many bricks should be used, and how they should be laid, and how big they should be — naturally geometry came [into being]. The Egyptians evolved geometry [by] their [irrigation] — [they] made canals to take the Nile water inside their fields — and the Hindus, by their altars.

Now there is another particular difference between the idea of sacrifice in India and [that] of the Jews. The real meaning of sacrifice is worship, a form of worship by oblations. At first it was simply giving food to the bright ones, or the higher beings. They had gross food just as we have. Later on philosophy stepped in and the idea came that they, being higher beings, could not eat the same food as we do. Their bodies are made of finer particles. Our bodies cannot pass through a wall; theirs find no resistance in gross material. As such, they cannot be expected to eat in the same gross way as we do.

[Some parts of the transcription of the remaining portion of this lecture, recorded by Mr. J. J. Goodwin, were found in a severely damaged condition. Hence we have reproduced below only the legible fragments as they appeared in the original.]

. . . “O Indra, I offer you this oblation. O Agni, I offer you this oblation.” The answer is that these words have a mystical power in Sanskrit. And when a man, in a certain state of mind, pronounces these words, he sets in motion a set of psychological causes, and these causes produce a certain effect. That is the evolution of thought.

To make it clearer, suppose a man was childless and wanted a son. He worshipped Indra, and if he got a son he said Indra gave him the son. Later on they said Indra did not exist. Who, then, gave him the son? The whole thing is a matter of cause and effect. . . .. . .

They said it was not giving the gods food, but simply laying my sins upon the head of another victim. “My sins go upon the goat’s head, and, if the goat be killed, my sins are forgiven.” That idea of sacrifice of the Jews never entered India, and perhaps that has saved us many a pang, many a trouble.

Human nature is selfish, and the vast majority of men and women weak; and to teach vicarious sacrifice makes us more and more weak. Every child is taught that he is nothing until the poor fellow becomes hypnotized into nothing. He goes in search of somebody to cling onto, and never thinks of clinging to himself. . . . (Vide [10]Complete Works, VIII for similar ideas.)

Fake revolutions, regime change and unconventional warfare

Venezuela unrest: It is not all oil crash and corruption. It is also years of US financed destabilization efforts —– How Oppositionist Organizations Act Worldwide – From Egypt to Venezuela : The American Revolution

….In one of the Wikileaks leakage – in which Pública (not-for-profit investigative journalism center in Brazil, founded by a team of women journalists) had access – shows the founder of this organization communicating often with analysts from Stratfor, an organization that mixes journalism, political analysis and espionage methods to sell “intel analysis” to clients such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Coca-Cola and Dow Chemical – who monitored environmentalists’ activities who opposed them – as well as U.S. Navy…… “In the end, overseas support finally came. I would be silly to deny it. They had a major role at the final steps. Yes, US came with money, but it also came from the entire world: Germany, France, Spain, and Italy. Everybody was collaborating because none would support Milosevic anymore”, he said at an interview with Pública…… For researcher Mark Weisbrot of the Center for Economic and Policy Research from Washington, organizations as IRI and Freedom House “are not promoting democracy”. “Most of the time, they are doing exactly the opposite. They are usually promoting U.S. policies in other countries, and that means opposition to the left-wing administrations in those countries for example, or to governments U.S. don’t like.”…..

… Canvas (acronym for Centre for Applied Non Violent Actions and Strategies) was founded by two Serbian leader students, who participated in the successful uprising that dethrone the dictator Slobodan Milosevic in 2000…. In contact with Pública, Srdja Popovic, Canvas leader, said that the organization doesn’t receive any funding of any governments, and that its major funder is the Serbian businessman Slobodan Djinovic, who was also a student leader in the past. However, a presentation of the organization, leaked by Wikileaks, points out partners of Canvas such as IRI and Freedom House, which receive large sums of USAID…. As seen on the same presentation, Canvas’ work really impresses. Between 2002 and 2009, it realized 106 workshops, reaching 1.800 participants from 59 countries. Not all of them are North-America’s objectors – the group has trained activists in Spain, Morocco and Azerbaijan – but the list includes many of them: Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Zimbabwe, Belarus, North Korea, Syria and Iran….In the Stratfor analysts’ mailings, Popovic boasts himself in maintaining relations with April 6 movement leaders, in special to Mohammed Adel – which became the main source of information about the Egyptian uprising in 2011. In Stratfor inside communication, he is known by codename RS501… The leaked documents show Canvas acting less independently than it really states. At least in two occasions, Srdja Popovic had participated in National Security Council (NSC) meetings…. “These guys are awesome” said in an enthusiastic email, the Stratfor analyst for Eastern Europe, Marko Papic. “They open a small shop in a country and then try to overthrow the government. If well used, they are more powerful than an air force combat battalion”…. In the mailing, Popovic demonstrates great interest in exchanging information with Stratfor, whom he calls as “Austin’s CIA”…. The document Pública had access, was written at the beginning of 2010 by the “analytical department” of the organization, and reports not only the pillars for the Venezuelan president, but also lists the main institutions and organizations that support that government (among them are the Armed Forces, the Police, the Justice, nationalized sectors of economy, Teachers and the Electoral Council), the major potential leaders in order to form an efficient coalition and its “potential allies” (students, the independent and the international press, syndicates, the Venezuelan Federation of Teachers, Rotary Club and the Catholic church)….. For him, many times the U.S. has sponsored a “pernicious influence” on legitimate movements. “We always have people fighting for democracy in those countries, with a variety of demands, land reform, social protection, jobs… And what happens is they lead the whole movement with lots of money, inspired by policies the US is interested in. Often, the democratic groups that receive the money end up falling into disrepute. ”

Moscow Conference Identifies `Color Revolutions’ as War

….”The process of development of a new polycentric system of international relations is proceeding with difficulty and is accompanied by an increase in global instability. We have not been able to make considerable headway in the formation of a union space of peace, security and stability in Europe and the Atlantic.” “The situation in the Middle East and Northern Africa remains tense, and serious risks are associated with the situation in Afghanistan,” the President said. “Obviously, modern challenges and threats make it necessary to stop the archaic logic of geopolitical games with a zero sum game, the attempts to force your own methods and values on other peoples, including by color revolutions.”…… Gerasimov emphasized that military force is concealed behind the color revolutions. If the protest potential turns out to be insufficient, military force is then used openly to ensure regime change. Libya was cited as a textbook example…. Like the plenary speakers, Zarudnitsky focused on the military aspects of colored revolutions. He argued that while the West considers colored revolutions to be a peaceful way of overthrowing undemocratic regimes, events in the Middle East and North Africa have shown that military force is an integral part of all aspects of colored revolutions……The key question for military planners is which state will be targeted next. Weak states with poor economies are generally the most vulnerable to these tactics, but the main factor in determining targets is the geopolitical interest of the provoking state. For this reason, such revolutions are organized primarily in countries with significant natural resources or ones that have an important strategic position and conduct an independent foreign policy. The destabilization of such countries allows for a major shift in the balance of power in a particular region (in the case of the Arab Spring—the Middle East and North Africa).”

What’s happening with Venezuela? @WikiLeaks’ publication of US coup manual FM3-05.130, Unconventional Warfare [UW], provides insight

DOS=Department of State
IC=Intelligence Community
UWOA=UW operations area
ARSOF=US Army Special Operations Forces

Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare https://t.co/8q4oQfsMzY?amp=1

The Color Revolutions

The British Empire Created the ‘Color Revolutions’ as Acts of War

No to British Regime Change in South Africa!

In Africa, likewise, the color revolution method must be understood in the context of the history of the British Empire…. When the traditional form of British imperial rule—with boots on the ground—was seen to have a doubtful future, the British prepared in advance to move to “indirect rule.”….The nominal “independence” of African countries was no longer seen as a problem; it was instead actually necessary—for British rule to continue by other means. Under neocolonialism, Africans would be “educated” to rule Africa for the British. Cohen was rewarded with a knighthood, and became known in the Colonial Office as “the King of Africa.”…..Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu characterized the color revolutions as a new form of warfare invented by Western governments seeking to remove national governments in favor of those controlled by the West. Shoigu pointed out that the consequences of color revolutions are very different from the protest organizations’ initial stated goals.[5] …. ….Consider the suffering throughout Ukraine, where a color revolution replaced a bad government with a worse one that cuts the budget under International Monetary Fund direction and can’t provide energy for its people this Winter….In this way, Burawoy exposes himself as a promoter of “new social movements”—in the name of “participatory democracy”—that can help to topple the government and destroy the productive capacity of a country, while having nothing to put in their place…

Google – Is it a “don’t show that you are an evil empire”?; Its patents related to brain and remote mind control tech

Assange: Google Is Not What It Seems
……If the future of the Internet is to be Google, that should be of serious concern to people all over the world—in Latin America, East and Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa, the former Soviet Union and even in Europe—for whom the Internet embodies the promise of an alternative to U.S. cultural, economic, and strategic hegemony.

A “don’t be evil” empire is still an empire……
…….But part of the resilient image of Google as “more than just a company” comes from the perception that it does not act like a big, bad corporation. Its penchant for luring people into its services trap with gigabytes of “free storage” produces the perception that Google is giving it away for free, acting directly contrary to the corporate profit motive.

Google is perceived as an essentially philanthropic enterprise—a magical engine presided over by otherworldly visionaries—for creating a utopian future. The company has at times appeared anxious to cultivate this image, pouring funding into “corporate responsibility” initiatives to produce “social change”—exemplified by Google Ideas.

But as Google Ideas shows, the company’s “philanthropic” efforts, too, bring it uncomfortably close to the imperial side of U.S. influence. If Blackwater/Xe Services/Academi was running a program like Google Ideas, it would draw intense critical scrutiny. But somehow Google gets a free pass……..
……As the self-described “radical centrist” New York Times columnist Tom Friedman wrote in 1999, sometimes it is not enough to leave the global dominance of American tech corporations to something as mercurial as “the free market”:

The hidden hand of the market will never work without a hidden fist. McDonald’s cannot flourish without McDonnell Douglas, the designer of the F-15. And the hidden fist that keeps the world safe for Silicon Valley’s technologies to flourish is called the U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps.

If anything has changed since those words were written, it is that Silicon Valley has grown restless with that passive role, aspiring instead to adorn the hidden fist like a velvet glove. Writing in 2013, Schmidt and Cohen stated,

What Lockheed Martin was to the twentieth century, technology and cyber-security companies will be to the twenty-first.......

……Just months later, Schmidt re-created Cohen’s natural habitat within Google itself by engineering a “think/do tank” based in New York and appointing Cohen as its head. Google Ideas was born.

Later that year two co-wrote a policy piece for the Council on Foreign Relations’ journal Foreign Affairs, praising the reformative potential of Silicon Valley technologies as an instrument of U.S. foreign policy. Describing what they called “coalitions of the connected,” Schmidt and Cohen claimed that:

Democratic states that have built coalitions of their militaries have the capacity to do the same with their connection technologies.…

They offer a new way to exercise the duty to protect citizens around the world [emphasis added].......

……Google Ideas is bigger, but it follows the same game plan. Glance down the speaker lists of its annual invite-only get-togethers, such as “Crisis in a Connected World” in October 2013. Social network theorists and activists give the event a veneer of authenticity, but in truth it boasts a toxic piñata of attendees: U.S. officials, telecom magnates, security consultants, finance capitalists and foreign-policy tech vultures like Alec Ross (Cohen’s twin at the State Department).

At the hard core are the arms contractors and career military: active U.S. Cyber Command chieftains, and even the admiral responsible for all U.S. military operations in Latin America from 2006 to 2009. Tying up the package are Jared Cohen and the chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt…….
…….Only a few months before he met with me, Cohen was planning a trip to the edge of Iran in Azerbaijan to “engage the Iranian communities closer to the border,” as part of a Google Ideas’ project on “repressive societies.” In internal emails Stratfor’s vice president for intelligence, Fred Burton (himself a former State Department security official), wrote:

Google is getting WH [White House] and State Dept support and air cover. In reality they are doing things the CIA cannot do…

[Cohen] is going to get himself kidnapped or killed. Might be the best thing to happen to expose Google’s covert role in foaming up-risings, to be blunt. The US Gov’t can then disavow knowledge and Google is left holding the shit-bag........

….Three days after he visited me at Ellingham Hall, Jared Cohen flew to Ireland to direct the “Save Summit,” an event co-sponsored by Google Ideas and the Council on Foreign Relations. Gathering former inner-city gang members, right-wing militants, violent nationalists and “religious extremists” from all over the world together in one place, the event aimed to workshop technological solutions to the problem of “violent extremism.” What could go wrong?……
…..It is not just obvious neocon front groups like Foreign Policy Initiative. It also includes fatuous Western NGOs like Freedom House, where naïve but well-meaning career nonprofit workers are twisted in knots by political funding streams, denouncing non-Western human rights violations while keeping local abuses firmly in their blind spots. ……


Voice to skull and remote neural monitoring  

   Patent US4877027 – Hearing system – Google Patents   

  Patent US4858612 – Hearing device – Google Patents  

   Patent US6011991 – Communication system and method including brain wave analysis and/or use of … – Google Patents    

Patent US6587729 – Apparatus for audibly communicating speech using the radio frequency hearing … – Google Patents    

Patent US3951134 – Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves – Google Patents    

Patent US4395600 – Auditory subliminal message system and method – Google Patents    

Patent DE10253433A1 – Thought transmission unit sends modulated electromagnetic wave beams to … – Google Patents    

Patent DE3628420A1 – Device for reproducing voice information in a subliminal technique – Google Patents    

Patent US6039688 – Therapeutic behavior modification program, compliance monitoring and … – Google Patents  Implants    

Patent US5211129 – Syringe-implantable identification transponder – Google Patents 

    Direct energy weapons    

Patent US7629918 – Multifunctional radio frequency directed energy system – Google Patents    

Patent US6506148 – Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors – Google Patents    

Patent US6219657 – Device and method for creation of emotions – Google Patents    

Patent US5036858 – Method and apparatus for changing brain wave frequency – Google Patents    

Patent US20030171688 – Mind controller – Google Patents    

Patent US7784390 – Solid-state non-lethal directed energy weapon – Google Patents  Surveillance    

Patent US4011747 – Method and apparatus for acoustic scanning using waves scattered by an … – Google Patents    

Patent US4392379 – Ultrasonic diagnostic equipment – Google Patents    

Patent US4333474 – Ultrasonic imaging system – Google Patents    

Patent US3815409 – Focused sonic imaging system – Google Patents    

Patent WO2012164169A1 – Method and system for observation – Google Patents   

  Patent US5781108 – Automated detection and monitoring (ADAM) – Google Patents     

Hearing system
Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with a particular waveform. The waveform consists of frequency modulated bursts. Each burst is made up of ten to twenty uniformly spaced pulses grouped tightly together. The burst width is between 500 nanoseconds and 100 microseconds. The pulse width is in the range of 10 nanoseconds to 1 microsecond. The bursts are frequency modulated by the audio input to create the sensation of hearing in the person whose head is irradiated.

Device for reproducing voice information in a subliminal technique
In the invention, the respective information is modulated onto a noise such as, for example, music, by means of a subliminal processor in such a manner that during the reproduction process, only the noise becomes consciously audible whilst the information, which is unconsciously perceptible, is transferred into the subconscious of the listener. To prevent any manipulation of the information, the latter is digitally processed and stored in a periodically retrievable manner in an electronic memory, this memory being connected to the subliminal processor via a D/A converter and the memory, the D/A converter and the subliminal processor being cast in a block of insulating material.

Auditory subliminal message system and method
Ambient audio signals from the customer shopping area within a store are sensed and fed to a signal processing circuit that produces a control signal which varies with variations in the amplitude of the sensed audio signals. A control circuit adjusts the amplitude of an auditory subliminal anti-shoplifting message to increase with increasing amplitudes of sensed audio signals and decrease with decreasing amplitudes of sensed audio signals. This amplitude controlled subliminal message may be mixed with background music and transmitted to the shopping area. To reduce distortion of the subliminal message, its amplitude is controlled to increase at a first rate slower than the rate of increase of the amplitude of ambient audio signals from the area. Also, the amplitude of the subliminal message is controlled to decrease at a second rate faster than the first rate with decreasing ambient audio signal amplitudes to minimize the possibility of the subliminal message becoming supraliminal upon rapid declines in ambient audio signal amplitudes in the area. A masking signal is provided with an amplitude which is also controlled in response to the amplitude of sensed ambient audio signals. This masking signal may be combined with the auditory subliminal message to provide a composite signal fed to, and controlled by, the control circuit.

Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves
Apparatus for and method of sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform which is modulated by the subject’s brain waves. The interference waveform which is representative of the brain wave activity is re-transmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual viewing and routed to a computer for further processing and analysis. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change in electrical activity therein.

Communication system and method including brain wave analysis and/or use of brain activity
A system and method for enabling human beings to communicate by way of their monitored brain activity. The brain activity of an individual is monitored and transmitted to a remote location (e.g. by satellite). At the remote location, the monitored brain activity is compared with pre-recorded normalized brain activity curves, waveforms, or patterns to determine if a match or substantial match is found. If such a match is found, then the computer at the remote location determines that the individual was attempting to communicate the word, phrase, or thought corresponding to the matched stored normalized signal.

Method for administering a pulse-like wave to a patient for pain therapy and/or for influencing the autonomic nervous system
In an apparatus and a method for pain therapy and/or for influencing the autonomic nervous system, at least one pulse-like wave is conducted onto a neurally sensitive region with an apparatus, namely a source of pulse-like waves the region participating in the conduction with respect to the pain or with respect to the region of the autonomic nervous system to be influenced.

Therapeutic behavior modification program, compliance monitoring and feedback system
A therapeutic behavior modification program, compliance monitoring and feedback system includes a server-based relational database and one or more microprocessors electronically coupled to the server. The system enables development of a therapeutic behavior modification program having a series of milestones for an individual to achieve lifestyle changes necessary to maintain his or her health or recover from ailments or medical procedures. The program may be modified by a physician or trained case advisor prior to implementation. The system monitors the individual’s compliance with the program by prompting the individual to enter health-related data, correlating the individual’s entered data with the milestones in the behavior modification program and generating compliance data indicative of the individual’s progress toward achievement of the program milestones. The system also includes an integrated system of graphical system interfaces for motivating the individual to comply with the program. Through the interfaces, the individual can access the database to review the compliance data and obtain health information from a remote source such as selected sites on the Internet. The system also provides an electronic calendar integrated with the behavior modification program for signaling the individual to take action pursuant to the behavior modification program in which the calendar accesses the relational database and integrates requirements of the program with the individual’s daily schedule, and an electronic journal for enabling the individual to enter personal health-related information into the system on a regular basis. In addition, the system includes an electronic meeting room for linking the individual to a plurality of other individuals having related behavior modification programs for facilitating group peer support sessions for compliance with the program. The system enables motivational media presentations to be made to the individuals in the electronic meeting room as part of the group support session to facilitate interactive group discussion about the presentations. The entire system is designed around a community of support motif including a graphical electronic navigator operable by the individual to control the microprocessor for accessing different parts of the system.

Syringe-implantable identification transponder
An improved transponder for transmitting an identification of an animal or the like is described which is sufficiently miniaturized to be syringe-implantable, thus avoiding the necessity of surgical procedures. The transponder comprises a coil which receives an interrogation signal and transmits an identification signal in response thereto. The transponder receives the energy required for transmission by inductive coupling to an interrogator. A single integrated circuit chip is provided which detects the interrogation signal, rectifies it to generate power needed for transmission, stores an identification of the transponder and hence of the animal in which it is implanted, and generates a frequency-shift-keyed, Manchester encoded identification signal in response to the interrogation signal. The device transmits the identification signal in real time, that is, immediately upon commencement of the interrogation signal, such that no discrete elements for energy storage are required. The transmission frequency and the bit rate are both determined by integer division of the interrogation signal such that no discrete elements such as crystal oscillators are required for signal generation.
G06K19/07758 Constructional details, e.g. mounting of circuits in the carrier the record carrier being capable of non-contact communication, e.g. constructional details of the antenna of a non-contact smart card arrangements for adhering the record carrier to further objects or living beings, functioning as an identification tag

Multifunctional radio frequency directed energy system
An RFDE system includes an RFDE transmitter and at least one RFDE antenna. The RFDE transmitter and antenna direct high power electromagnetic energy towards a target sufficient to cause high energy damage or disruption of the target. The RFDE system further includes a targeting system for locating the target. The targeting system includes a radar transmitter and at least one radar antenna for transmitting and receiving electromagnetic energy to locate the target. The RFDE system also includes an antenna pointing system for aiming the at least one RFDE antenna at the target based on the location of the target as ascertained by the targeting system. Moreover, at least a portion of the radar transmitter or the at least one radar antenna is integrated within at least a portion of the RFDE transmitter or the at least one RFDE antenna

Solid-state non-lethal directed energy weapon
There is disclosed a solid state non-lethal directed energy weapon. The non-lethal weapon may include a solid-state source to generate a high-power millimeter-wave initial wavefront, a main reflector, and a sub-reflector to reflect the initial wavefront to the main reflector. The main reflector may direct the reflected wavefront in a bore-sighted direction toward a target. The wavefront directed by the main reflector may have a power density selected to deliver a non-lethal deterring effect on the target.
Images (11)
F41C7/00 Shoulder-fired smallarms, e.g. rifles, carbines, shotguns
View 2 more classifications


Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors
Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near ½ Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set. For the latter, the image pulsing may be imbedded in the program material, or it may be overlaid by modulating a video stream, either as an RF signal or as a video signal. The image displayed on a computer monitor may be pulsed effectively by a simple computer program. For certain monitors, pulsed electromagnetic fields capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby subjects may be generated even as the displayed images are pulsed with subliminal intensity.

Mind controller
A mind controller is disclosed. The mind controller can induce a user’s brain waves into an alpha wave state or a theta wave state by sensing and analyzing human brain waves and then transmitting a mind control audio message suitable for the analyzed human brain waves to the user, so that the user can improve mental concentration power or memory for himself/herself. The mind controller for activating brain waves generated from the user’s brain, includes: an EEG(Electroencephalogram) sensor for sensing frequency band corresponding to alpha waves and theta waves from the brain waves generated from the user’s brain; an MCU(Memory Control Unit) for analyzing whether the brain waves sensed by the EEG sensor are alpha waves or theta waves through a built-in program of a brain wave analysis program pack and controlling output of a message, which corresponds to the alpha waves or the theta waves, out of mind control audio messages of an MP3 pack; an audio decoder for demodulating signal converted into data in the MP3 pack by control signal output from the MCU; a D/A converter for receiving signal provided from the audio decoder and converting the signal into analog audio signal; and audio output means for converting and providing the analog audio signal into sound.

Method and apparatus for changing brain wave frequency
A method for changing brain wave frequency to a desired frequency determines a current brain wave frequency of a user, generates two frequencies with a frequency difference of a magnitude between that of the current actual brain wave frequency and the desired frequency but always within a predetermined range of the current actual brain wave frequency, and produces an output to the user corresponding to the two frequencies. One apparatus to accomplish the method has a computer processor, a computer memory, EEG electrodes along with an amplifier, a programmable timing generator responsive to the computer processor for generating the two frequencies, audio amplifiers and a beat frequency generator driving a visual frequency amplifier.

Device and method for creation of emotions
A device and a method for creation of emotions are provided for an interface of information, such as an artificial agent and a personified agent, intervened between a human being (i.e., user) and an electronic apparatus. For instance, an emotion creating device is configured by a neural network, a behavior determination engine and a feature determination engine. The neural network inputs user information, representing conditions of the user, and apparatus information, representing conditions of the apparatus, so as to produce emotional states. Herein, a present set of emotional states are produced in consideration of a previous set of emotional states. The emotional states represent prescribed emotions such as pleasure, anger, sadness and surprise. The behavior determination engine refers to a behavior determination database using the user information and the emotional states of the neural network so as to determine a behavior of the interface. The feature determination engine refers to a database using the emotional states of the neural network to determine a feature of the interface, which corresponds to a facial feature.

Some interviews of the beneficiaries of the utopia’s hi-tech —




Covers current-day science and technology, ethics and the lack thereof, the DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) World Order, the Mercenary Surveillance State, False Flag Terrorism, Covert Ops being run by the Intelligence Agencies, corruption and crime in high places. Covers Military/Intelligence Targeting, Electromagnetic/Spectrum Weapons, Military Neurotechnologies, Neuroweapons, Nanotechnology, Non-Consensual Military/Intel Experimentation, MK ULTRA-Extended Neuro Experimentation, Military contracts, Human Rights/Activism, as well as the crimes of Covert Operations rampant worldwide currently.  

Indian and Pakistan and ……

Feb 24 2019:

How to settle the Kashmir issue — https://frontline.thehindu.com/politics/how-to-settle-the-kashmir-issue/article7698420.ece

 …Kashmir became a loyalty test for Indian Muslims and created a barrier between them and the Muslims in Kashmir. It is the one single issue that poisons relations between India and Pakistan. What peace dividend will its solution yield? It will facilitate resolution of other issues; remove the barriers between the peoples; impart creativity to their exertions; pulverise the hate groups; and impart a new spirit to the sterile diplomacy that both countries have pursued all these years… India and Pakistan will rid themselves of the ravages that Partition wrought—at long last…. Unfortunately, the discourse is marred by flat assertions or “pie in the sky” solutions as if Kashmir were a piece of cake to be sliced at will…. Here are the elements of a sound approach: (1) There does exist a dispute between India and Pakistan on the future status of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. All United Nations maps carry this notice. The Simla Agreement tacitly recognises that. (2) There is also a third-party dispute—namely, the people of the State.  (3) The dispute urgently demands a solution as time has failed to solve it and the status quo is intolerable. (4) There can be no solution by force. India cannot crush those who cry “azadi” in Kashmir. Pakistan cannot grab it by war. Kashmiris cannot oust India by armed revolt. (5) A settlement involving all the three parties alone can ensure peace…. No settlement is possible except through a compromise that reflects concessions by India, Pakistan and Kashmir. Henry Kissinger calls it “a balance of dissatisfactions”….. In 2007, Pervez Musharraf and Manmohan Singh brought the Kashmir dispute to the very threshold of a settlement. A draft agreement still exists, awaiting finishing touches, which could resolve the decades-old dispute. …

One of the many articles available online discussing possible solutions to the Kashmir issue: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/232902125_Kashmir_Ripe_for_resolution

  —   Yusuf, Moeed & Najam, Adil. (2009). Kashmir: Ripe for resolution?. Third World Quarterly. 30. 1503-1528. 10.1080/01436590903321869. This paper documents and analyses 46 proposals made between 1947 and 2008 for resolving the India–Pakistan dispute over Jammu and Kashmir. We conduct a content analysis to recognise the patterns that emerge from these formulations and identify the key elements that recur over time. Our analysis suggests that the dispute may be more ‘ripe’ for resolution today than it has ever been in the past. For the first time in the dispute’s history, there is growing convergence over a core element of the solution, ie granting autonomy to Kashmiris. This is matched by a virtual consensus on the ‘catalysts’, namely soft borders to allow relatively free human and economic exchange within Jammu and Kashmir, the notion of Kashmiri involvement in any negotiations on the issue and demilitarisation of the state. Ripeness alone, however, does not lead to resolution. Over the years various dynamic proposals have been made, which means that this particular convergence could also dissipate, as some of the prior ones have. There is a potential window of opportunity today, but it will not last indefinitely.

Feb 21 2019:

China-India-Russia Accord: Now, More Than Ever https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2009/eirv36n41-20091023/eirv36n41-20091023_024-china_india_russia_accord_now_mo.pdf 

China’s Grand Plan Is On the Move https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2016/eirv43n14-20160401/47-48_4314.pdf 

War, Food Shortages Ravage Central Asia and Pakistan https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2008/eirv35n16-20080418/eirv35n16-20080418_027-war_food_shortages_ravage_centra.pdf

Swat valley autonomy is a cause for concern https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2009/eirv36n09-20090306/eirv36n09-20090306_073-pakistan_swat_valley_autonomy_is.pdf 

Pakistan Caught in British-Saudi Plan To Dismember the Country https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2011/eirv38n24-20110617/36-40_3824.pdf

The Planned Killing of Benazir Bhutto https://larouchepub.com/other/2008/3501bhutto_killing.html 

British ‘New World Order’ behind Rajiv Gandhi Slaying https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1991/eirv18n21-19910531/eirv18n21-19910531_040-british_new_world_order_behind_r.pdf 

Violence Sweeps India: Will the Nation Survive? https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1992/eirv19n50-19921218/eirv19n50-19921218_038-violence_sweeps_india_will_the_n.pdf

Hindu-Muslim Riots Show: India Must Face Reality https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2002/eirv29n10-20020315/eirv29n10-20020315_040-hindu_muslim_riots_show_india_mu.pdf

Insurgent groups in Northeast India https://larouchepub.com/other/1995/2241_ne_india_groups.html

Extract from prophet Muhammad’s last sermon:   “All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.”

“Vedanta understands that and therefore preaches the one principle and admits various methods. It has nothing to say against anyone—whether you are a Christian, or a Buddhist, or a Jew, or a Hindu, whatever mythology you believe, whether you owe allegiance to the prophet of Nazareth, or of Mecca, or of India, or of anywhere else, whether you yourself are a prophet—it has nothing to say. It only preaches the principle which is the background of every religion and of which all the prophets and saints and seers are but illustrations and manifestations. Multiply your prophets if you like; it has no objection. It only preaches the principle, and the method it leaves to you. Take any path you like; follow any prophet you like; but have only that method which suits your own nature, so that you will be sure to progress.”……..

“There have been sects enough in this country. There are sects enough, and there will be enough in the future, because this has been the peculiarity of our religion that in abstract principles so much latitude has been given that, although afterwards so much detail has been worked out, all these details are the working out of principles, broad as the skies above our heads, eternal as nature herself. Sects, therefore, as a matter of course, must exist here, but what need not exist is sectarian quarrel. Sects must be but sectarianism need not. The world would not be the better for sectarianism, but the world cannot move on without having sects. One set of men cannot do everything. The almost infinite mass of energy in the world cannot tie managed by a small number of people. Here, at once we see the necessity that forced this division of labour upon us — the division into sects. For the use of spiritual forces let there be sects; but is there any need that we should quarrel when our most ancient books declare that this differentiation is only apparent, that in spite of all these differences there is a thread of harmony, that beautified unity, running through them all? Our most ancient books have declared: एकं सव्दिप्रा बहुधा वदन्ति । — “That which exists is One; sages call Him by various names.” Therefore, if there are these sectarian struggles, if there are these fights among the different sects, if there is jealousy and hatred between the different sects in India, the land where all sects have always been honoured, it is a shame on us who dare to call ourselves the descendants of those fathers.” – Swami Vivekanandha

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Inshallah Kashmir Film

Kashmir and the politics of water | Afghanistan News | Al Jazeera

India and Pakistan at Odds Over Shrinking Indus River

Pakistan must update its water policy

Ground Zero: Cauvery, the river in distress – The Hindu

Tiruppur shows how it’s done: on controlling industrial pollution – The Hindu

Rainwater harvesting structures raise groundwater table – The Hindu

Wording Matters: Conservation vs. Preservation | Southern Fried Science

In Drought-Hit Tamil Nadu, This Ancient Practice For Small Water Bodies May Hold The Answers

Kudimaramathu scheme: Has the face of participatory management in maintenance of water bodies changed for the better or for the worse? – The Hindu

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Dear BBC, Bengaluru isn’t running out of water soon. Here’s why! – Citizen Matters, Bengaluru

Bengaluru water scarcity: There is still hope on the horizon – The Hindu

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China just set aside $30 million for a controversial project designed to make it rain by shooting clouds with special bullets – and it’s not the only one | Business Insider India